How Evolutionists Deal with Contrary Evidence
How Evolutionists Deal with Contrary Evidence
Edited 10-09-2011
- Deny that contrary evidence even exists
- Refuse to see it
- Refuse to discuss it
- Refuse to listen to it
- Malign people who disbelieve at all costs, ignore basic reasoning skills
- Lie about people and organizations who disbelieve in evolution
- Use uninformed, undereducated thuggish disciples to patrol and attack people who disbelieve
- Use the media, especially social media
- Never allow the playing field to be level
- Keep insisting that evolution is a "fact", even though it is assumed through faith, not evidence (that's our little secret, Skippy)
- Pretend to be totally objective and unbiased, despite the fact that this goes against human nature
- Demand that disbelievers have all knowledge of all sciences
- Appeal to the "might makes right" fallacy of "most scientists believe in evolution" to establish "truth"
- Commit tu quoque fallacy, "Yeah, but you do it, too!" (Not true, but do it anyway)
- Get angry, deliberately misunderstand, put words in the mouths of those who disbelieve
- Ridicule the straw man that you just constructed (see above)
- Ridicule some more — whatever strikes your fancy
For a slightly less snarky approach to the creation-evolution controversy, check out my Piltdown Superman Weblog.