Is This What They Call “Tolerance”?

A couple of things this time around. First, the Christian fish symbol ichthus is getting out of hand. Not so much by Christians, our symbol is ancient and uncluttered:

Then someone decided to essentially raise a middle finger to it and make a Papa Darwin version, as seen in the cartoon at the top. Yes, I know they're out of order, I wanted to lead with a colorful 'toon, OK?

Anyway, someone even more clever hit back with "Truth":

I should get got one of those!

My earlier "out of hand" remark is because there are many more designs available. Several are marketed toward obstreperous atheists, and some are marketed toward sci-fi loving virgin geeks. Even more can be had. Clutter!

So anyway. This is an appropriate celebration of getting my autographed copy of The Lie: Evolution by Ken Ham replaced.

Here is an article from "Answers in Genesis":

In today’s secularized culture, we often hear people (particularly leftist humanists) demand what they call “tolerance.” Christians are often accused by these humanists of being “intolerant.” I have heard the accusation of “intolerance” against AiG and what we teach many times over the years.  However, what I have found is that usually those who call for what they call “tolerance” are extremely intolerant of the absolutes of Christianity. What they mean by “tolerance” is often a tolerance of all views that agree with theirs, but an intolerance of views that disagree with theirs.
Two interesting news items I read this week seem to illustrate this. It is also a sign of our increasingly secularized culture, with its growing anti-Christian sentiment.
The first item comes from the United Kingdom.

Nope, now you'll have to click and read the rest of the article at its source:

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