
Can Secular Science Peer Review be Repaired?

There are people who consider peer review as the gold standard in science, and it is somehow a guarantee of truth. Not hardly! As we have seen, the secular science industry is becoming increasingly biased and involved in leftist political activism . Add to this the fact that their peer review process discriminates against creationists, has numerous retractions, passes junk (including computer-generated papers ), and is pretty much a good ol' boys' club. Their image has a bad complexion , and some scientists are calling for major changes. Made at , then modified with colors Unfortunately, the sidewinders in charge want to circle the wagons and maintain the status quo. They don't want transparency and accountability. Others want to improve ethical standards. Wait, what? People who reject the Creator and his Word have no consistent moral standard are going to decide what is right and wrong? Scientists are people, complete with presuppositions, knavery, a

Bill Nye the Atheism Shill Guy Rides Again

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Many people are baffled as to why a saddle tramp comedy actor turned children's television show host who never bothered to get an advanced science degree is considered an expert on practically everything. Bill Nye is calle d a "science guy", and did fairly well when he did actual science. Amazingly, his net worth is rated at 6.5 million USD , probably because atheistic propaganda pays well — just ask C. Richard Dawkins . Nye hopes to gain more from his lawsuit against Disney . Why he did not sue years ago, I have no idea. Even so, if he deserves the money, he should get it. The way I see the way things happening, he became popular when he attacked biblical creationists, and especially Answers in Genesis. Dr. Georgia Purdom of AiG challenged Nye to a debate (which he dodged) , and he eventually settled for a debate with Ken Ham, who has a bachelor's degree in applied science . Ham also earned a Diploma of Education so he could become a sc

Atheists Distrust Atheists — With Good Reason

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is no secret that the public has trust issues with atheists, and also with the secular science industry. This is nothing new, and there are still laws on the books that prohibit atheists from holding some elected public offices. (Ironic, most atheists erroneously claim that atheism is not a religion, but keeping them out of office violates their religious rights.) There was a time when the assertion of atheism was shocking and put people to the one making the declaration, but not so much these days. They still score low in polls . People are reluctant to trust atheists. Do they ride their horses side saddle? Put their pants on both legs at once instead of one leg at a time? Steal booze from homeless winos? No more than anyone else that I'm aware. They do earn their bad reputations, however. The mass-murdering dictators of the 20th century were mostly atheists (Hitler was not an atheist, he was an occultist at best), Norwegian murderer Brevik wa