Atheists Distrust Atheists — With Good Reason

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

It is no secret that the public has trust issues with atheists, and also with the secular science industry. This is nothing new, and there are still laws on the books that prohibit atheists from holding some elected public offices. (Ironic, most atheists erroneously claim that atheism is not a religion, but keeping them out of office violates their religious rights.) There was a time when the assertion of atheism was shocking and put people to the one making the declaration, but not so much these days. They still score low in polls.

The public distrusts atheists, and atheists distrust other atheists

People are reluctant to trust atheists. Do they ride their horses side saddle? Put their pants on both legs at once instead of one leg at a time? Steal booze from homeless winos? No more than anyone else that I'm aware. They do earn their bad reputations, however. The mass-murdering dictators of the 20th century were mostly atheists (Hitler was not an atheist, he was an occultist at best), Norwegian murderer Brevik was an atheist Darwinist, cult leader Jim Jones was an atheist, Jeffrey Dahmer was an atheist and Darwinist, and there are plenty more. Internet trolling, with its inherent anonymity, shows extreme hatred of God, Christians, and especially creationists from atheists. I think they're on the web because they're unemployable, and have time on their hands. Further, there is a noticeable parallel between atheism and Satanism. No, it's not just a matter of theists hating atheists who happen to believe differently.

Respect and trust have to be earned. This one's trust and respect levels are in the negative numbers
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The secular science industry is dominated by atheists, and they rely on atheistic presuppositions in the pursuit of evolutionary science (for example, see "The Bad Complexion of the Secular Science Industry" and "Science Needs Serious Repair"). Then, they commence to pontificating that evolution negates God, tell the lie that archaeology disproves the Bible, and so on.

Am I suggesting that all atheists are an unbridled herd of homicide, waiting to stampede to death and glory? Not hardly! Although I have never encountered an atheist that is unwilling to lie, I'll allow that many have high personal moral standards. Someone commented that he'd trust a certain atheist alone with his wife. Others have made remarks that they know atheists who are moral people, and can act morally upright in a manner that shames many professing Christians.

Atheists are none too fond of each other in the area of trust. Strange that they wouldn't trust their own kind, what with being united in hatred of God, "religion", and so on. Speaking of God, the answer for the distrust of atheists is found in the Bible. God has given us each a conscience, and the law is written on the hearts of people (Rom. 2:15). Deniers of God are actively suppressing the truth in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18-19). Atheists know who and what they are, deep inside, and that they have a faulty moral compass. Really, it should not be surprising that they distrust each other. This is actually confirming the truth of Scripture! I'm sure that puts a burr under their collective saddles.

This article was inspired by Dr. Albert Mohler, whose name keeps cropping up in my material lately. His September 18, 2017 episode of The Briefing had him discussing articles in The Guardian and others . He also gave some Christian worldview perspective on this. You can read the transcript, download or listen to the podcast online. The part under discussion here is at the beginning, but the entire podcast is interesting and not too long. To read or listen, click on "Why atheists don’t trust other atheists and what this reveals about moral intuition".


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