
People Died in Kentucky, so Biden Lied

We have seen how mainstream science is catering to leftist agendas (see " More Leftist Malarkey in the Secular Science Industry "), and although attention to anthropogenic (manmade) global warming had faded for a spell, secularists are polishing up that meadow muffin with the help of secular science. It is not in the least surprising that Joe "Quockerwodger" Biden used tendentious leftist pronouncements about climate change to politicize the December 10-11 tornado in Kentucky and Tennessee . NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens I received an email from someone who makes crusading for climate change his reason for being, and he echoed leftist propaganda (then I deleted the rant). Climate alarmists do not believe God is in control (most do not seem to think that he even exists), and their fundamentally flawed worldview is based on molecules-to-meteorologist evolution and deep time . Both aspects of secularism use similar approaches to bad science . Since Bi

Atheists and Evidence for God

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A common occurrence when dealing with professing (Rom. 1:20) atheists is a demand to "prove that God exists", usually with some kind of empirical evidence. (This is the logical fallacy of the category error, because God is spirit, John 4:24.) On more than one occasion, other Christians and I have had such demands followed with question-begging epithets . It may come as a shock, but evidence is for believers , not scoffers.  Assembled with graphics from Clker clipart In the famous debate between Drs. Greg Bahnsen and Gordon Stein, the latter said that he would be persuaded if a miracle happened in his presence. Stein suggested that if the podium rose up five feet, hung there, then dropped down, he would have to conclude something supernatural had happened. Bahnsen was having none of that : People are not made theists by miracles. People must change their world views; their hearts must be changed. They need to be converted. That what it takes, and that’s

After the Computer Crash

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Hopefully, my experiences both before and after the crash may prove helpful to some folks. Here is what happened. In July 2020, I decided to replace my Windows 7 computer. That underrated eMachine was a workhorse, and I asked a lot by simultaneously running programs that were heavy on resources, and I ran some at the same time. It was showing its age, so I was proactive and replaced it with an Acer Aspire TC-885-UA92 Desktop. Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Not a bad price, and it had a DVD ROM. Yes, some of us still need those things. Don't be a tech snob. Gave it a bit more RAM, and I was off to the races. Important Computer Precautions Yeah, some race. I had to learn how to use Windows 10. Fortunately, I have experience with computers, including Windows all the way back to Win95 (not much with Vista, and I utterly detested Win8 on my wife's laptop). Since I already have a Microsoft account and know some of the basics of operating systems, getting online was no

Atheism, Mental Health, and God

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  It seems that every day has been designated as a national or world day for an observance, whether to "raise awareness", celebrate, or something prosaic. October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Fine, I reckon it is a good idea to point out that millions of people have mental health issues. Many are simply things we just learn to deal with, others are debilitating and need counseling as well as medication. Several times, this child has admitted to dealing with depression. Everyone probably has it to some degree on occasion, and other times it is a lifelong struggle due to chemical imbalances in the brain. My hypertension medications contribute to it. People in the Bible were troubled with depression. My photo of the Hudson River, the Rondout Lighthouse is very small on the left side Some of those problems were short-term based on circumstances, others seemed to be lifelong. David wrote some psalms showing his depression over events and his own sins, and E

Abundant Opinions in the Comment Area

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A bane of social media, especially for those who present information, is that too many people are self-appointed experts on whatever topic is presented; they have opinions are are not afraid to express them. Christians and creationists deal with atheists who spout off with prejudicial conjecture , which often means, " I know nothing about the subject but I must cast aspersions anyway ." It happens on other subjects as well. We also have to deal with uninformed conjecture . Mostly made at PhotoFunia Expressing an opinion on a subject folks know little or nothing about is common. Watch some of those interviews of people in the street ( like the one included here ) and you'll see that even though many know nothing, they seem to feel compelled to say something anyway. I try to avoid using questions in titles of my own material, that's just asking for it. For example, I recently posted, " Is Jesus the Creator? " Atheopaths laugh at those t

Science Faces Reality of Genders

There are people who appeal to science as an authority on what they want to hear. The secular science industry has   become increasingly leftist in recent years  (which probably frustrates scientists who want to do actual science without dealing with political agendas). It is still a scientific fact there are only two sexes. Basic biology is not changed  have so-called gender reassignment surgery. Despite a few abnormalities that actually prove the rule,  you cannot change the sex God gave you . Credit: Unsplash /  Jose Chomali When I was doing medical data entry, claim forms had check boxes for male and female. That's it. Nor was there anyplace to note how someone felt that day. It's not just the obvious physical differences, but body chemistry as well. Some medications and treatments for men may react quite differently for women. There are individuals who develop psychological issues lumped as “gender dysphoria” for various reasons, often due to faulty relationships in childh

Emojis and Trolling

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the thrilling days of internet yesteryear, people were using emoticons to express reactions with face-like symbols. This platform automatically turns the text version into a picture so I am unable to make one of the old styles, but you know: Those things with a combination of a colon, dash, right parenthesis to make a smiley face. They evolved into graphic emojis, and people do not need to turn their heads to see them. Credit: Unsplash / Lidya Nada Now the things are ubiquitous on social media, and even show up in more serious online posts and articles. (In my opinion, they should be avoided or at least used sparingly, depending on the article, subject matter, and so on.) Smartphones make them exceptionally easy to use. Text messages are an entirely different animal, so it's obviously up to the individual in that regard. Using desktop browsers, I have an option insert them 😸 as well as other special characters. Also, this dreadful Blogger platform has a s