
Atheism's Faulty Moral Compass and Consequences

— by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The religion of atheism seems to attract a high percentage of deviants because they have no consistent foundation for morality. One way this can be seen is that, when pressed, atheists cannot actually account for morality itself . If you examine the Web, Facebook, Weblogs and so on, you'll find many examples of obscenity and hatred toward God and his people. US Geological Survey Although they claim that they can be " good without God ", the words and actions of so many Internet atheists belie that claim. This is the opposite of the truth .Their moral compass is situational and based on whatever is expedient at the time. Living in societies that are founded on Christian morality, they are actually borrowing from the Christian worldview when they say that something is right or wrong. There comes a point when God essentially says, " Your will be done", and gives them over to their depraved minds. Atheism is irrational and in

Questioning the Dubious Duties of Darwin Drones

— Cowboy Bob Sorensen "But, I held strongly to the view that it was an opportunity to expose the well-intending Ken Ham and the support he receives from his followers as being bad for Kentucky, bad for science education, bad for the U.S., and thereby bad for humankind — I do not feel I’m exaggerating when I express it this strongly." — Bill Nye   "...When I read the deliberate malicious stupid relentless lying evil from hypocrite Sorensen I start to wish that hell really exists. Because he will go there if it does if he does not repent of his hatred towards all people who criticise his online aggression and arrogance whilst wearing 'Christian' ie 'Bible defending' clothing. " The Question Evolution Project is a Cesspit of Hate as I have demonstrated many times. "Those caught in Bob's cesspit should get out while they can if they have any sense and if they are real Christians." — An irrational Stalker, and Bill Nye

"Unbelievers" and Poison

Clinton R. Dawkins and Larry Krauss are leading militant atheists on another crusade. They have a new movie called Unbelievers.  Perhaps they have to step up their efforts in spreading disinformation and stirring up emotions against that shadowy bogey man called "religion" and all its evils because they know that atheism is declining globally . Perhaps they're still upset because atheists do not score well in being liked and trusted . Perhaps the money is not rolling in as much as it used to be. Let's back up. Atheists complain that they're not liked. Why is that? Well, from this report about the movie from a source that I trust , it's the same kind of nonsense that they inflict on people all the time anyway. I am convinced that they are not disliked because they're atheists so much as because they're obnoxious. What do they do? Appeal to emotion. After all, people "think" with their emotions, and militant atheopaths manipulate peo

Global Atheist Holiday

Edited from a previous post. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.  ( Psalm 53:1 , KJV) Here is a story that circulates on the Internet. Although it is not true (despite what your e-mail correspondent said), it is still funny. An atheist created a case against Easter and Passover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed!" The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover,  Yom Kippur  and  Hanukkah , yet my clien

No True Atheist Doubts Atheism!

Atheism is in trouble. It is on the decline globally 1 , 2 , they are the least-liked, least trusted group 3 (but their status may have improved slightly since the surveys were taken), and they humiliate themselves and even other atheists with their antics 4 . Some will whine, "We're persecuted!" Seldom true. "You hate me because I'm an atheist!" Also seldom true, but you identify with anti-Christian bigots 5 , and that doesn't help you. Courtesy of Kirk Hastings , used with permission In addition, the idea of a universe that caused itself is philosophically and scientifically untenable 6 , and they hate that fact. One thing that militant atheopaths cannot tolerate is a defector, whether it is someone who leaves their religion 7 , or dares to question materialism since most rely on that. Materialistic evolution is also a tenet of fundamentalist atheism 8 . I've noticed that they seem to attack former atheists with amazing vitriol, a

Dan Barker's Fundamentally Flawed Rationale

Dan Barker of the Freedom from Religion Foundation seems like a heckuva nice guy. Unlike so many of the obstreperous atheists on the Web, he is intelligent, respectful and polite. But I am only basing this on a couple of interviews on Christian radio shows that I heard. Still, he does not have a reputation for being nasty. The first one I heard was with Matt Slick of CARM . An attempt to schedule a debate had fallen through, so Dan was a guest in the studio with Matt. There was no specific agenda or topic. To listen to that, click here , but do not click on the "listen now" button. Instead, use the link "Carm_Podcast_2-7" to get the MP3 . Also, Matt had a show where he discussed a debate he had with Barker a few years earlier, that show is here . When hearing this show, I had feelings similar to those that Matt expressed, how so much was touched upon and a week of one-hour shows could stem from it. Barker had numerous instances of bad reasoning, word games,

Camels, Anti-Bible Prejudice and Media Hysteria

You'd think that National Geographic would learn about hastily publicizing bad science after the Archaeoraptor fraud . But no, they had to jump on the anti-Bible bandwagon and do what "skeptics" often do: Rush to proclaim that the Bible is wrong. In this case, the claim that the Bible is wrong about camels in the early days. This kind of assertion has been pulled before and primarily based on incomplete evidence. In this case, the biases and assumptions are added to the façade of scientific research through carbon dating. Archaeology students in Tel Aviv did the "research". Like Bill Nye's attacks on creationists, they ignored existing research that was readily available. This story was picked up by the Institute for Creation Research , Creation Ministries International and Answers In Genesis , (among others) who have provided some valuable information. Despite the efforts of "skeptics" (I put the word in quotes because so many people

Questions for Creationists on Question Evolution Day

To celebrate the third annual Question Evolution Day , I'm going to keep this post simple. Here is a video that is just under half an hour. It's from Ian Juby's "Genesis Week", and contains information that anti-creationists ignore, ridicule, misrepresent and do whatever they can to keep people from hearing the truth and thinking for themselves. Go ahead, you know you want to watch it!

Genius In Action

A clever lad just wanted to argue. An Admin at " The Question Evolution Project " on Facebook dismantled a ridiculous quote by Thomas Jefferson, and here is a response we had to deal with from a joker who had to say something — anything — to argue with the st00pid dumb Xtian. I guess this evolutionist is a "freethinker", huh?

More Facebook Double Standards

In a previous post, I discussed and documented the blatant double standards of Facebook , especially against conservative viewpoints, both political and Christian. Here is some more material about that. J.D., the originator of a parody Page called "Atheists Shouldn't Be Allowed to Reproduce", had complaints and his Page was taken down by Fazebook. He was also put in the time-out corner for a while. Why? "Atheists Shouldn't Be Allowed to Reproduce" was a parody that J.D. described as being similar to Mad magazine (presumably from the good years). Ironically, Mad magazine is on Facebook , but this parody that is inspired by it was taken down. It did not have obscene images, profanity, racism or offensive to a religion. Wait...religion? Although atheism is a religion , misotheists do not want to admit this (despite their denials based on ignorance of religion and philosophy). So they are unlikely to have complained that "Atheists Shouldn'