
For Christmas — A Victory for American Religious Freedom

Although atheism is on the slide , anti-Christian bigotry is increasing and secularists are increasing their efforts to remove our established freedoms. There are good people to stand up to them. The American Center for Law and Justice had a victory regarding Nativity scenes on public land, which you can read about here .

Christmas Video: Brad Stine

Happy holidays! Yeah, right. Stores wouldn't be having "Black Friday", people wouldn't be getting festive, decorations would not be put up, no special music if it wasn't for Christmas! The secularists and atheopaths want to take it away from us under the pretense of "someone might be offended". Get real. Drop the politically correct nonsense. Here's an idea, if you want to be consistent: Never call another holiday by name again. Always say, "Happy holidays", whether people are celebrating Arbor Day, Martin Luther King Day, Independence Day, the Queen's Birthday, Foot Fungus Day or whatever you have. "Boss, are you being sarcastic?" Oh, Tommy the Knocker joins in! Say hi to Tommy, class! Heh, you should know better than anyone about my sarcasm, Tommy. Here, let's watch the comedy video that makes some great points :

Possibly a Troll Record!

This is amazing. Truly. A troll came along, wanting to be immortalized. He pretended to be Joe Intellectual, and showed himself both clueless and foolish. In the initial attack, he simply fired off several questions that he obviously did not wish to have answered. Atheopaths do not do their homework. His questions contained assertions and biases as well as outdated, faulty "science" . Also, this is a form of the fallacy of "elephant hurling". From there, he progressed to accusations. He did not answer the question. Here we have a personal attack and further faulty assertions. This one is simply precious: More assertions, a lie ("a couple of reasonable questions"), attempts to manipulate emotions, and a massive ego. Why are these people so narcissistic? It's amazing that they are not willing to do some research on any creationist positions , get up to speed on their own fundamentalist evolutionist dogma, or simply be qui etly sm


Hat tip: Unnamed informant for the screen shot. I should not take pleasure in helping atheist trolls humiliate themselves, but I can't help it with this one. Why do people like this think (a) that they have something worthwhile to say, and (b) everyone has to experience their silly remarks? Their egos are both fragile and phenomenally large. Hey ! He hates Dr. Georgia Purdom . (You know, she's the one that Bill Nye is afraid of debating .) Well, this font is called "Geor gia". I picked it out just for him. Here is a con fession of him stalking me. And I caught him in some lies as well. And the sending of unwanted mail? That's spam. But he's been told tha t it won't get through . I made some annotations , and my comments are in b right blue type (click for larger) : Edit: In my enthusiasm to post this, I forgot to mention that he made an assumption, th at I am the Admin in the discussion and did the banning. Prove it. By the way. He w

Not That It Matters...

...but we're done with dates like these for a long, long time.  Edit: Ashamed to admit that I wasn't able to use Firefox for this. Anyway, I had this clock running, took a screen shot at the right second, pasted into Paint, saved as a JPEG, uploaded, posted — all within the remaining 48 seconds so this post would happen on 12-12-2012. Just to see if I could do it. What an unimportant success!

Dismantling a Dawkins Disciple

An angry, uninformed atheopath took exception to The Question Evolution Project making sport of an atheist pope who ridicules the beliefs of others. Here is the "meme" that upset him: This is what he said, and the provocative reply (with a bonus troll remark just above his): Since some of us are not fond of bullies, trolls and obstreperous twits, it was kicked up a notch: The "previous comment" referenced there was a link to an article with proof that many professional atheists do believe that everything came from nothing . He did not like the way the game was going, and proceeded to fuss more: Note the foolish attempt at ridicule by bringing up Jesus in an attempt to force us to a standard that he himself does not believe (typical hypocrisy of atheists), and then calling TQEP "liar". It's amazing how people love their hero but don't know much about what has been said or written. Here is proof in his own words that Richard D

Video by The Atheist Antidote: "Atheists and Christmas"

Perhaps they're just angry that they have to wait until April 1 for their own joyless holiday, so they can't get into ours . Perhaps it's just hate in disguise. They pretend to be standing for something when they seek to remove the civil rights of Christians , what a joke. Atheopaths are not fooling anyone. And they really wonder why people can't stand them?