
No More Girl Scout Cookies for Me!

Buona sera.  It's sad, really. There are some organizations that we were able to rely on to help develop the skills and character of our young people. Since the rise of the "anything goes", tolerance, politically correct, drift to moral liberalism and political leftism, we have to check everyone, it seems.  The Girl Scouts of the USA has lost its focus. Not only will they allow boys who are sexually confused (mostly from lousy parenting) to join their ranks, but their continual journey to the left is becoming alarming, to say the least. Their November 2011 convention is full of extreme leftists , including pro-abortionists, lesbians and other femi-nazis. Since GSUSA is hypocritical about the values they claim to support , girls are feeling betrayed and are leaving the organization . The Girl Scouts organization needs to face some very tough questions. Here are some questions that girls and their parents can ask to see if GSUSA is really the kind of outfit that they w

Double Standards of Tolerance

Buona sera. Have you ever noticed that the people who make the most noise about "tolerance" are the least tolerant? There are two problems with their views. First, "tolerance" has been redefined. In normal use in the context of viewpoints, we can tolerate other people's opinions and values, respect their right to have them. There is no shooting, shouting, ridicule, browbeating, Internet trolling and so forth. We may discuss our differences, we may not. Now the redefinition of tolerance has the connotation that all views are valid, truthful and right. The second problem with the views of the tolerance crowd is that they will not tolerate the view that someone is right and the others are wrong. You tolerate everyone, but when I say that I am right, my views are not to be tolerated. So, their philosophy is ridiculous. Capice? The Christian viewpoint is the least tolerated, especially if we say that there is a God, there is only one God (Isaiah 45.6), Jesus is th

O'Bummer In Chief

Buona sera.  Mentally challenged (you're not allowed to say "retarded" any longer) Obama zombies still insist that B. Hussein Obama is a wonderful president and doing a great job. Personally, I suspect that it's their own egos that keep his approval rating above zero, because these ideologues refuse to admit that they were horribly wrong by putting him in office. Well, that and the greedy, lazy clowns in the "occupy" bowel movement who think that they deserve everyone else's money and property; they will pretend that O'Bummer is a good president. So, let's do a quick check-in and see what the Occupy the White House mascot is doing lately. The Obama administration does not want to allow Franklin D. Roosevelt's D-Day prayer added to the World War II memorial in Washington, DC. Ironically, FDR was a Democrat (whose disastrous policies extended the Great Depression by seven years ), and it's Conservatives and Republicans that object

The Religion of Atheism

In many practical aspects, atheism is a religion. "How can you say that, Cowboy Bob? Atheism is a lack of belief in gods". Yeah, sure. That's the cop-out redefinition, not the real definition . Except not all atheists got the memo , and some are confused. As I was saying, in many practical aspects, atheism is a religion . It is a philosophy of life and conduct, and has many of the trappings of organized religion. Although atheists will tell you that they believe in "reason", they actually have a religion that is based on faith. A lot of it. I can't go there, Girlfriend. In the United States, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that atheism is a religion The US Supreme Court ruled that atheism is a religion . Secular Humanism (a masque for atheism), received comments from the US Supreme Court that it is a religion (one of these groups wanted tax-exempt status as a religion) Atheists adore their religious leaders like Richard "

Strange Searches - Just Plain Weird

Another search term used to (inexplicably) bring a reader to my Weblog. No thanks, I am really  not interested:

Homosexuality, Christians and Sharia

Buona sera. Bible-believing Christians (as opposed to "liberal" make-your-own-god theology that gives a vague nod to Jesus, but backs away from actual Bible teaching if it goes against their opinions, Exodus 20.3) know that homosexuality goes against God's grain (1 Cor. 6.9, Rom. 1.26-28). Sorry, but that's what God says, I don't make the rules. Homosexuality is becoming more acceptable, probably because it is becoming more and more politically correct, despite the fact that most Americans believe that marriage is between a man and a woman . Yet, the Gaystapo is gaining momentum and is becoming increasingly aggressive (I pointed out some examples here and also here, where a man cannot even voice his personal opinion on the subject ). Because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is a sinful act, not a natural condition, we are called "homophobes" (a nonsense word) and "haters". No, we don't

Video - Basement Cat for Halloween

Buon giorno. Although I've been making some videos, I still feel strange calling them "videos". They are modified slide shows, sometimes with scrolling text. Still, it's technically a video... Oh, well.