
Laws of Thermodynamics and Hate

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Don't be getting ahead of me, the Laws of Thermodynamics (especially entropy) should  have nothing to do with hate per se,  and hate should not  involve laws of science. When you get atheists wanting to slap leather with biblical creationists, however, their blind hate and seething rage prompts them to use science for leverage in their quest for the ideological supremacy of materialism and the promotion of their death cult of evolutionism. Credit: Freeimages / Peter Skadberg There was a recent article by Creation Ministries International  where creationist engineer Colin Gibson was interviewed about his faith journey. As a child, he was not taught the Christian faith effectively. When he was confronted by evolutionary propaganda, he believed that the State school was being truthful, and rejected Christianity for the most part. Still, Gibson had "nagging doubts" about evolutionary adaptation. When he heard creationary speaker Carl Wie...

Fake Science: Canaanites and the Bible

When it comes to sensationalistic fake news that denigrates the Bible, the secular science industry is relentless. Ever see those documentaries that crop up around Christmas and Easter where producers round up unasinous liberal scholars to malign the Bible? Not only do they ignore conservative scholars and focus on the odd ones, but stories like the tomb of Jesus and so on are discredited or forgotten. This bit of disingenuous journalism is of the same pathetic caliber. But I forgot, lying is in the nature of secularist leftists. Mostly made at Image Chef Those of us who actually believe the Bible and know about how it has been supported time and again through history, science, and archaeology have to endure the constant attacks on the Word of God. It's one thing to disbelieve and offer arguments or evidence as to why not, but it's another to act like an evolutionary scientist that makes up his or her own "facts", and ignores pertinent data. What really takes t...

Clinton Richard Dawkins Deplatformed in Berkeley

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the high priests of atheism is C. Richard Dawkins. (His tinhorn fans consider themselves "New Atheists", but the only thing "new" about them is their extreme hatred and intolerance, dishonesty, lack of thinking skills, redefining "reason" and "rational" to mean "naturalist" and "atheist". Background image of shattering atheist symbol courtesy of Why?Outreach They are  detestable to the rest of the American population . (I reckon professing atheists of yore would be embarrassed by this lot.) Atheopaths rally behind Dawkins since he gives a façade of intellectualism, although atheism cannot withstand true logic. To put it another way, he's considered brilliant by people who already hate God and are digging up excuses to justify their rebellion against their Creator. Dawkins is angry, hypocritical , and mean-spirited in general, but is surprised that people do not like him . In the formerly ...

Incoherent "Reasoning" from Silverman in Debate

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This 2010 debate between atheist David Silverman and Christian Dr. James White illustrates how things that are considered logical from an atheistic perspective are, in reality, incoherent. Silverman used many fallacies: Argument from outrage (essentially, the New Testament is evil because he doesn't like what it says) Straw man arguments (when he was called on this, he promptly redefined the meaning of a straw man for his own convenience) Appeal to motive plus some ad hominem  remarks against Dr. White Equivocation For a debate on the New Testament, he went back to the Old Testament several times. Especially Genesis, which helps illustrate why biblical creationists affirm its truth Several others that I'll leave to the listener to observe James White clearly showed that David Silverman's arguments for the nature of good and evil are irrational, standing on the biblical worldview when he calls something evil, but Silverman also relies ...

Liberty or the Collective?

When individual liberties thrive, there is a sense of accountability and a sense of wanting justice. For example, in the Soviet Union, atheist Stalin pushed for the collectivization of farms, where individuals were made to be inferior through propaganda and actual coercion. Can't have peasants owning and harvesting their own land, can we? No! We must work together for the common good of the Soviet, and you will be rewarded with farm equipment. Otherwise, what little you have will be taken away. This horrible procedure led to despair, famine, cannibalism, and more.   “Strengthen working discipline in collective farms” USSR propaganda poster Credit: Wikimedia Commons Totalitarian regimes emphasize the "common good" (or "greater good") of whatever those in power have decreed. People have little hope or expectation of justice. Such governments are usually riddled with corruption (the aforementioned Soviet Union was famous for corruption). Want to get somethin...

Clean Living and the Bible

Seems that when something is written and then shared about something beneficial in the Bible, mockers will invariably make vacuous comments about "fairy tales written by illiterate Bronze Age goat herders", and then congratulate themselves on the superior intellect of The Mighty Atheist™. If they were intellectually honest, they'd be forced to admit that there are things contained within that are helpful in many ways. No, this post isn't exactly about morality, it's about physical cleanliness. The Bible has a lot to say, and if people paid attention, quite a few situations involving the spread of disease would have been contained. For that matter, although homosexuality is an abomination before God, it also spreads disease . The Healing of Ten Lepers , James Tissot, 1886-1896, Brooklyn Museum Ever see that first Alien movie? We were saying, "Don't open the door and let the guy into the ship!" (As if anyone could hear us, obey, and we'd...

Donald Trump, the Paris Accord, and Globalism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen President Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement on climate change, and leftists are in a frenzy. Not that it takes much to put them into a frenzy, as this lunatic comparing Trump to Kim Jong-un before  the withdrawal was official aptly demonstrates. Interesting comparison, but we're not the ones calling for the punishment of global warming "deniers" . If you dare to doubt the Holy Sacraments of the left, such as global warming/climate change, abortion, gun control, sexual perversion, and to some extent, evolution, you are calling down the fire. Why do you think I use an unregistered assault keyboard? Is Trump wrong to leave the Paris Agreement only five months into his eight years of presidency? After all, we don't want the entire planet to overheat, and it would be nice if leftists stopped smashing store windows and burning dumpsters (which may contribute to global warming). There are several serious questions to consider, but we...