
Freedom-Fighting Secularists In Action!

Be inspired! We can't have any of that nasty old Bible stuff displayed in a business. And we certainly  cannot allow people to show respect when someone prays, no siree! Here are a couple of stories about brave heroes making certain that "religion" is kept in its place. (Why it's the Christian "religion" that is kept in its place but Islam runs rampant...I dunno.) The first in Lancashire, UK: Police have threatened a Christian cafe owner with arrest –for displaying passages from the Bible on a TV screen. Jamie Murray was warned by two police officers to stop playing DVDs of the New Testament in his cafe following a complaint from a customer that it was inciting hatred against homosexuals.  Mr Murray, 31, was left shocked after he was questioned for nearly an hour by the officers, who arrived unannounced at the premises. Let's applaud the secularists for interfering with someone daring to stand up for his beliefs! Read the rest of " Police Tell Caf...

Atheists Attempting to Stop Free Speech AGAIN

Buona sera.  This nonsense constantly amazes me. It also adds fuel to my fire that atheists are opposed to freedom of speech. Since they are unable to engage in rational, civil discourse, they resort to their tired, annoying tricks of maligning the person (or organization) instead. Atheists call themselves "rational", "free thinkers" and other misnomers, and then engage in irrational "arguments". In fact, they appear to oppose freedom of thought. Atheists say that they believe in science and in the human mind. Well, the spirit of scientific inquiry does not  mean "smash the opposition instead of examining the evidence". But, since evolution is ill-supported and unscientific, it must be bolstered by data manipulation and outright fraud . No wonder they fear creationists, refusing to listen to their evidence. By the way, what is this "scientific inquiry" attitude of attempting to dismiss all creationism as "a lie"? Are at...

Sam Harris, Intellectual Honesty and 9/11

I knew it wouldn't take long for atheists to milk and distort the September 11 "anniversary" (for lack of a better word) for their own confused, hateful ends. Sam "Ben Stiller" Harris may have been the first of the atheist popes to hop on the "all religion is evil" express again. He did a piece crying for "intellectual honesty" (a quality that I find sadly lacking in modern Internet atheists, especially since they have the magical ability to discredit articles without even reading them, but I digress). Surprisingly, apologist Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason says that Sam Harris is right, it is  a time for "intellectual honesty". Well, sorta...

Atheism and the Destruction of Society

A fascinating and provocative piece by PPSimmons discussing the way atheism works with liberalism in undermining traditional values and to destroy our faith in God — and society itself. This article looks like the beginning of a series, and I'm looking forward to the continuation. One of the characteristics of atheism that is immediately noticeable is the overwhelming amount of foul language that is used. Even the most educated among them seem to suffer from the affliction of tourette syndrome. As much as I hate to do it I was forced on a couple of occasions to delete comments due to their graphic content. I have to repeatedly remind these self proclaimed animals that foul language and belittling others in order to prop yourself up are leading indicators of a lesser intelligence. See the rest of "Atheism's DISTURBING Doctrines and tenets... plus videos!" here . Then, you can read "The Atheist Delusion — Response to Richard Dawkins" here .

Logic Lessons: Appeal to Motive

Keep an eye out for this fallacy, not only in discussions about faith and reason, but in political arenas. In its simplest sense, the Appeal to Motive fallacy is rather easy to spot. It is a form of the argumentum ad hominem  fallacy . I posted some song lyrics in the comments section of a Weblog, and someone said that I posted them "to feel better about myself". (What gave him the idea that he had insight into my mental processes, I have no idea.) It seems to me that one of the most common indicators that this fallacy has been engaged is terminology resembling, "He/She/You are doing this because...", but the accuser has no way of knowing what is going on inside your soul. In a more difficult manifestation, the Appeal to Motive is not always a fallacy. This is when something tangible can be brought into question, such as, "Snidely is suggesting that we use General Universal Widgetarium because he holds stock in that company". Well, tha...

Brave Muslim Heroes Burn American Flag

Those brave heroes, burning an American flag on September 11, 2011! Oh, such inspirations! Never mind that they didn't even do it in the United States. 'Smatter, Hassan, too much security? Or were you gutless wonders afraid that the people would shove your allahu where the sun doesn't shine? Boy, someone burns a Koran and you think it gives you license to "jihad" and murder people, but you burn an American flag on the tenth anniversary of the date that your shameless, cowardly compatriots murdered three thousand Americans, and yet, you are still living! Shows a bit of a difference, huh?

Strange Searches: Disturbing

Again, for the "gotcha" troublemakers in the world, I will repeat that people will use odd phrases and words that are not really sentences in their searches. Still, when those searches bring them to my Weblogs, they get interesting. In this case, a bit disturbing: