
Showing posts with the label Question Evolution Project

Cowardly Atheists Protect Evolution

That's right, I said it! Protecting evolution from questioning, examination, contrary evidence and explanations — cowardice. "You're crazy, Cowboy Bob! Evolution is a fact and doesn't need to be protected!" Evolution is protected by fundamentalist extremists who will go to almost any lengths to keep people from actually thinking: Using the fallacy of reification, evolution is treated as if it was a living thing , complete with intelligence and decision making abilities Instead of giving satisfactory explanations to evidence, evolutionists pile story upon story and call it science Misrepresent creationists and ID proponents Biases and circular reasoning Actively suppress dissent of evolution Fight to leave the bad, outdated science in the textbooks so they can continue brainwashing Recommend that textbooks get accepted without question Lie about evolution — after all, the end justifies the means, and the goal is to have people blindly accept e

Further Signs of the Decline of Atheism

Buon giorno. An atheist brazenly claimed, " Atheism is the fastest growing religion in the world ". Was it ignorance, dishonesty, wishful thinking...? Actually, atheism is declining, and Christianity is increasing [ 1 , 2 ]. An essay on "Ten Reasons Why American Atheism Will See a Significant Decline" is here . America is seeing an increase in Biblical creationism , despite the efforts of militant atheists, secularists and activist judges. You can't stop the truth forever, capice? I'm glad The Question Evolution Project is a part of this! Even more annoying for Darwinists and atheists is that this is becoming a bad year for their religions. 4 important questions every Darwinist and atheist/agnostic must answer: 1. Is the young earth creationist organization Creation Ministries International and its Question Evolution! Campaign with its 15 questions for evolutionists on the rise and poised for tremendous growth? 2. Are evolutionists and atheists

Greater Ambition to Question Evolution

Buon giorno. The "Question Evolution Day" project is now more ambitious. It is now " The Question Evolution Project ". Yes, we're still going to be heard on February 12 (Darwin's birthday), but the page at Piltdown Superman and the Facebook Page are resources to encourage and provide information for those of us who do not think according to the dictates of others. We think for ourselves, capice? I've got some bad news for you, Sunshine, evolution is a bad philosophy. And no, it's still not a place for atheists and evolutionists to badger creationists and ID proponents. Troublemakers get banned. Bwahahaha! Click for larger Basement Cat