Climate Change Activists Reject Reason

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

While the majority of climate change activists have little or no knowledge of science and "think" with their emotions, there are scientists involved. Apparently some of them are feeling lower than a snake's belly in a wagon wheel rut. They have some blamestorming to do, but they're looking in the wrong direction.

Climate change alarmists are upset because we are not doing enough to save the world. Their own presuppositions and denial of truth are part of their problem.

As I pointed out in "Climate Change and Ignored Truth", secularists have a passel of presuppositions, including materialism, an old earth, evolutionism, and if there is a God, he is not in control. They appeal to emotions, not facts or logic, and trot out pawns like Greta "How Dare You!" Thunberg to throw kerosene on the fire. (Some of us don't take none too kindly to manipulation, you savvy?) We see that their predictions over the years have all failed, and some are so far away that those who made the alarmist claims will all be taking dirt naps before they can be criticized.

When people get all het up, their emotions interfere with their cognitive abilities. I have seen tinhorns who want to quirt folks into submission through ridicule and calling everyone "liars" who disagree with leftist climate change cult's views. I mentioned how these activists are lamenting that people are not doing enough to save the planet. Step back, Sally, and think about it: we've been told many times that the end is near, and we have also been told that it's already too late. So, we give leftists control of our lives, raise taxes, bring on a totalitarian state — and the world's climate will suddenly be changed and we can all sing the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song? Not hardly!

Atheists and evolutionists pretend that there is scientific illiteracy when biblical creationists deny fish-to-fool evolution, but I lack belief that they complain about the scientific illiteracy exhibed to climate change extremists. Mayhaps it's because they're on the same materialistic team? Asking for a friend.

For that matter, there are people who may be brilliant, but when it comes to evidence for the Bible, creation, and God's existence, their minds turn to buckets of warm waste. While they use logic every day to one extent or another, it's like most logic circuits in their brains were deactivated. This hatred of God is what we read about in Romans 1:18-23; they are unrighteously suppressing the truth.

I keep mentioning how the climate change cult is primarily from leftist politics. But we need to go a bit deeper. You are highly unlikely to find people who believe in the inerrancy, inspiration, and authority of the Bible to get involved in political and cultural positions that are contrary to the Word of God. Ponder that for a spell, pilgrim.

Evidence that indicates the leftist science approaches have serious flaws are ignored or refuted by the equivalent of, "That's not true! You're a liar! I am a god and I consign you to my version of Hell!" Then they label us "science deniers" (which is also hilariously fallacious) for rejecting their cultic views, play the victim card, and then scream into the wind. God is our Creator and has a plan, but materialists deny this and then wonder why they are filled with despair. The atheistic worldview only has despair to offer, and lacks the necessary preconditions of the human experience. When they say that something is right or wrong, they are denying their materialist and Darwinist presuppositions and are standing on the biblical worldview — beginning at creation.
You can do a simple act to help an environmental scientist: offer him or her a shoulder to cry on. In Science Magazine, Timothy A. C. Gordon, Andrew N. Radford, Stephen D. Simpson implored readers, “Grieving environmental scientists need support.” They’re depressed. Why? Humans are not doing enough to save the planet from climate change. Not even Darwin can help them.
. . .
Yes; the loss of ability to think coherently is becoming painfully evident. If they were consistent materialists and Darwinists (which is practically a job requirement in science these days), they would think logically, and figure that Darwin’s theory just says Stuff Happens, so tough luck. Planets come and go; life rises and goes extinct; that’s just the way of things. Nothing is good or bad. It just is.
To read the entire article, click on "Comfort Your Local Dogmatic Scientist".


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