Hysteria Over Climate Change is Hysterical

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

It is a fact that there are noticeable similarities in the bad reasoning and worse science used by flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, chemtrail conspiracies, and several other concepts that are insulting to thinking people. You can also find parallels between evolutionary thinking and global climate change alarmism. Should we laugh or cry about the climate change hysteria?

It is difficult to decide whether to laugh or cry about climate change hysteria. Here is another example of how its proponents can be galactically stupid.
Derived from an image at ESA / NASA / SOHO
Fake science "experts" have predicted the end of the world many times (especially in some sort of climate change), but though Algore and his followers then and now have been shown to be galactically wrong.  They're on the side of the angels, you know, and have to save us from ourselves. With what, denial of science, suppression of inconvenient facts, and calling our Creator a liar? Not bloody likely.

Here is a short video that I'd take mighty kindly if you'd give a listen. (Well, I have to use the video format because audio-only is not very conducive to sharing.) It will only take three minutes. Wait for it...


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