Still Waiting for that Next Ice Age

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

Before I get to the subject of this article, a bit of (mostly) unrelated fun stuff. Did you know that YouTube has quite a few big-name movies and television shows? We can only guess if they reverted to public domain (some have), or the copyright owners really do not care that movies like Seven Days in May (1964, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Frederic March, Ava Gardner, and other big stars) are free to the public on YouTube. Someone mentioned a video that seemed interesting, so I tried something.

Using my Android smart phone and the YouTube app, I found the video. Then I used the connection to send it to my new friend, Roku, so I could watch it on the television device. Worked mighty fine. Apparently, since the phone and Roku are on the same WiFi network and don't have to be in the same room, the phone doesn't act like a server, so I'm not losing much battery power. When the video was over, it began to advance to the next one in the playlist on my TV. The phone app was where I had left it, and the phone was into standby, power saver, or whatever it is when it goes dark. I am not a professional, and you can try this at home.

Before the global warming/climate change propaganda, secular scientists were guaranteeing a coming ice age.
Credit for this cool picture goes to Jason VanDorsten at Freeimages
And now for our feature attraction.

Before the politically-motivated global climate change craze, replete with cherry-picked data, misrepresentation, and even fraud, the term was global warming. Some tinhorns will point to warm spells as "evidence" for it, but conveniently ignore snowfall in the Sahara Desert, as that interferes with their propaganda. Did Bill Nye have excuses for that Sahara snow thing? According to leftist Washington, DC council member Trayon White, climate change is caused by the Jews. He should get in touch with the Iranian general who also blames them, but for different reasons. No reason to dismiss the claims if they fit the narrative, right? We don't need no stinkin' reality, we got propaganda!

 Before global warming, the big scare (although less profitable for globalists and other leftists) was the coming ice age.

The difference in the two extremes of pseudoscience is a matter of degrees. 180 of them. Really? All those "facts" can change so much in such a short time? Not hardly! If I recollect rightly, global warming fanatics were embarrassed when they were reminded that the next ice age was popular in pseudoscience, so they went from calling it global warming to global climate change to hedge their bets.

Alan Landsburg was an author and movie maker with a fondness for the sensational odd stuff. He did things on ancient astronauts, the Bermuda Triangle, magic, monsters, and other things. Some of his movies began with "In Search Of..." Then he was involved in making a television series by the name, In Search Of..., narrated by Leonard Nimoy.

The video that I had fun streaming to the television was "In Search Of...The Coming Ice Age". It sounded all sciencey, with a plenty of things to scare people. Scientists said that the next ice age is coming, there is no doubt, and is already beginning. Katie, bar the door! Oh, wait. She moved to Panama or something.

Interestingly, support for the coming ice apocalypse included some of the same circular reasoning and techniques used today to frighten and tax us with global climate change. Deceived sheeple seem to be willing to pay taxes.

The unreliable ice core method calibrated by the fundamentally flawed Milankovitch Cycles made an appearance in the video. (I'll let Haywire the Stalker, uneducated as he is but still an expert in theology, astronomy, geology, biology, and everything else, well, he can refute this article — including the references.) Secular assumptions about millions of years were also prominent. There were assertions about multiple ice ages millions of years ago, but those left out the fact that secular scientists cannot account for any ice age forming and then going away, let alone, happening several times. Truth, logic, Scripture, and science indicate that there was only one Ice Age, and that was a result of the Genesis Flood.

Although I could not stand to watch this 15-minute video through because of even worse assumptions and incoherent presentation, some jaspers want the best of both worlds: global warming and an ice age. It's useful to watch if you want some exercises in spotting bad logic, or if you'd like to exercise your face by making incredulous expressions.

Earth has warming and cooling periods. It does that. I think that big hot ball in the sky has a big effect on the whole shootin' match, too.  Although secularists reject science and Scripture out of hand that challenges their presuppositions, there is a Creator who is in control, he has a plan that he has made known in the Bible. The global warming will happen in a big way (2 Peter 3:10).


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