Leftist Science Industry Rejects Research On Motherhood

Science is supposed to be a search for knowledge, with scientists considering evidence, proposing hypotheses, then running them up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes them. When ideas are refuted, they accept the changes and try something else. Problem is, that scenario is fictitious. (For that matter, when people claim that "science has proved" something are showing their ignorance of the philosophy and methodology of science.) Scientists, medical doctors, and others have refuted consensus views and been resisted. For example, Ignaz Semmelweis demonstrated that the mortality rate of women giving birth could be drastically reduced with antiseptics, but he was ignored by the establishment.

Scientific research supports the bond between mothers and children, but leftists reject it
Sara and Her Mother with the Baby, Mary Cassat, 1901
Scientists and the secular scientific establishment seem to be increasingly biased nowadays, especially to viewpoints propagated by leftists. Something that is in opposition to the Bible is celebrated, even when they try to slap leather with God and shoot themselves in the foot with fake science. A report of what Bible believers already knew, that daughters need their fathers, was touted as a new scientific finding.

Erica Komisar is a Jewish psychoanalyst who works in Manhattan, New York. She presented some scientific work about the bond between mothers and children, and how it continues after birth. He research was resisted. Why? She's not a professing Christian or a biblical creationist (secularists and leftists detest us). I suspicion that this may give some doubt to the sacrament of abortion, which is sacred among leftists and other secularists. Indeed, the pseudoscience of evolution is used to give abortion is given "scientific" credence.

Dr. Albert Mohler inspired me to write the above linked post on fathers and daughters, and he put a burr under my saddle to write this post as well. Now I'm going to send you to his podcast, The Briefing, which is free to listen online, download, or read the transcript. It follows his discussion on the Manhattan terrorist attack, third item down. Look for "Inconvenient science: Secular left refuses to acknowledge research on motherhood".


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