Further Adventures in Atheo-Fascism
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
By my reckoning, evidence refuting evolution and deep time is increasing, as is evidence for special creation. Anti-creationists on the web commence to jabbering, trolling, bullying — but are unable to offer luculent responses. Instead, they react.
Hatetheists and fundamentalist evolutionists detest that we present our side of the origins controversy. In fact, many act like we do not even have the right to disagree with their worldview. Something I've said before of which I am more firmly convinced than ever: they want us silenced.
Many scoffers will pretend to read articles, listen to podcast, or watch videos we provide. However, they make judgments based on a title, a summary, or some-such. They embarrass themselves because their criticisms were often addressed in the items they refused to investigate, such as this one.
In their blinded pride and arrogance, mockers utilize many rescuing devices, often using logical fallacies to dry-gulch the opposition. For example, they reject Christian or creationary sources outright (the genetic fallacy), as well as utilizing straw man arguments, ad hominems, and more. You can often see them justify their bigotry and abuse of reason. I was even attacked for giving a warning about fake accounts and the risk of identity theft (you can see that here, but it takes a moment to completely load.) Since they cannot make us shut up and go away through superior science and reason, they vilify us in an effort to negate what we are saying, and gleefully engage in bullying.
In addition to the above screenshot, someone posted a comment on an atheopath Page. A commenter on that Page went to his timeline and trolled him. These clowns are unable to understand that ridicule is not refutation.
I reckon that those who are serious about wanting to learn what we believe and teach would actually read the articles, and even check out references and "for further reading" links. But no, they get that bullying and ridicule bit between their teeth and it's off to the races. Go ahead, Skippy. You race, then come back to your mother's basement and the poisonous talking wall fungus. I've got other things to do.
Further, anti-creationist owlhoots use those ad hominem remarks to try and poison the well against Christians and biblical creationists. They seem to think that assertions and accusations are self-validating; perhaps if an utterance is made from The Mighty Atheist™, it becomes a fact. That'll be the day! In a similar manner, the ad hominem labels they attempt to attach to us are expected to be true despite lack of relevance or truthfulness: liar, science denier, homophobe, coward, evil — and of late, fascist.
That last one is common among Darwin's Flying Monkeys© who really have no idea what it means They call someone a fascist in retaliation for being banned because of trolling, blasphemy, bad logic, narcissism, or whatever. While most of us believe in free speech, we know there are limits for it (such as defamation, incitement to violence, obscenity, and more. For a detailed article on this, see "Free Speech, Censorship, the Internet, You and the Bad Guy", and I admit that the title is excessively long). Someone gets banned from a part of social media or his comments are disallowed, he shrieks, "Censorship! You're a fascist!" Such weak attempts at manipulation invariably fail, and even strengthen the resolve of those who did the banning.
Fascism is based on pagan nature worship (as is evolution) and is merged with nationalism. With atheism, secularism, and evolutionism tracking the way they are, I affirm my article, "Evolution and the New Atheo-Fascism". Atheo-fascists do not want free speech, they want us silenced. Bullying, ridicule and misrepresentation were common propaganda tactics during fascist rule. While misotheists claim to care about science, they prefer to protect their religion from scrutiny and exposure. Note how they congratulate each other on churlish behavior, and all creation evidence must be attacked by the brown shirts. Sieg Heil, mein Liebling! They try to shout us down until we go away.
People also believe in things because of celebrity influence. Evolutionists and atheists work the celebrity angle quite frequently. (Shamefully, so do Christians to some extent.) Hume, Dawkins, Nietzsche (I doubt that they've really read him, he didn't cotton to Darwin's views), even elevating failed scientist Nye to atheistic pope status. Atheopaths claim that they are the clever ones because they analyze things, and Christians are mindless sheep. This shows they are not logical thinkers, because they use prejudicial conjecture, sweeping generalizations, and other fallacies in that ego-boosting claim. Again, such behavior is used to poison the well against Christians and creationists.
Bill Nye the Scientism Guy (who does not know what he's talking about regarding climate change) was called a fascist, and I don't think that's far off the mark. He wants to control education so that it promotes naturalistic evolution only, despite what the majority of Americans desire. Nye also wants climate change "deniers" put in jail. He's influential as a celebrity and poster boy for secularism and materialism, but not influential as a scientist. He never was a scientist, but he uses his status to promote leftist political causes.
Watch for the atheopaths who are self-appointed experts in all sciences, including psychology. It is common to see a Christian point out a failing in logic, science, morality, or whatever, and have it deflected with, "You are using projection". If you study on it a spell, projection is often a characteristic of narcissism, and many atheists (especially keyboard warriors on the web) fit the bill for narcissistic sociopaths. Sure looks like the ones accusing people of projection are really the ones doing the projection. Same thing with those accusing others of being fascists, when evolutionary atheists are being fascistic themselves. Yippie ky yay, secularists!
Materialism, leftism, and fascism are on the increase in society. God the Creator as revealed in his written Word is despised and rejected. Those of us who have the impudence to show that atheism is irrational, stand for the truth of Scripture, tell the world that science actually supports biblical creation and the Genesis Flood, must be silenced according to their rule book. They don't know that the final victory belongs to God.
By my reckoning, evidence refuting evolution and deep time is increasing, as is evidence for special creation. Anti-creationists on the web commence to jabbering, trolling, bullying — but are unable to offer luculent responses. Instead, they react.
Hatetheists and fundamentalist evolutionists detest that we present our side of the origins controversy. In fact, many act like we do not even have the right to disagree with their worldview. Something I've said before of which I am more firmly convinced than ever: they want us silenced.
Many scoffers will pretend to read articles, listen to podcast, or watch videos we provide. However, they make judgments based on a title, a summary, or some-such. They embarrass themselves because their criticisms were often addressed in the items they refused to investigate, such as this one.
In their blinded pride and arrogance, mockers utilize many rescuing devices, often using logical fallacies to dry-gulch the opposition. For example, they reject Christian or creationary sources outright (the genetic fallacy), as well as utilizing straw man arguments, ad hominems, and more. You can often see them justify their bigotry and abuse of reason. I was even attacked for giving a warning about fake accounts and the risk of identity theft (you can see that here, but it takes a moment to completely load.) Since they cannot make us shut up and go away through superior science and reason, they vilify us in an effort to negate what we are saying, and gleefully engage in bullying.
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Used under Fair Use guidelines and with the commenter's permission Click for full size |
I reckon that those who are serious about wanting to learn what we believe and teach would actually read the articles, and even check out references and "for further reading" links. But no, they get that bullying and ridicule bit between their teeth and it's off to the races. Go ahead, Skippy. You race, then come back to your mother's basement and the poisonous talking wall fungus. I've got other things to do.
Further, anti-creationist owlhoots use those ad hominem remarks to try and poison the well against Christians and biblical creationists. They seem to think that assertions and accusations are self-validating; perhaps if an utterance is made from The Mighty Atheist™, it becomes a fact. That'll be the day! In a similar manner, the ad hominem labels they attempt to attach to us are expected to be true despite lack of relevance or truthfulness: liar, science denier, homophobe, coward, evil — and of late, fascist.
That last one is common among Darwin's Flying Monkeys© who really have no idea what it means They call someone a fascist in retaliation for being banned because of trolling, blasphemy, bad logic, narcissism, or whatever. While most of us believe in free speech, we know there are limits for it (such as defamation, incitement to violence, obscenity, and more. For a detailed article on this, see "Free Speech, Censorship, the Internet, You and the Bad Guy", and I admit that the title is excessively long). Someone gets banned from a part of social media or his comments are disallowed, he shrieks, "Censorship! You're a fascist!" Such weak attempts at manipulation invariably fail, and even strengthen the resolve of those who did the banning.
Fascism is based on pagan nature worship (as is evolution) and is merged with nationalism. With atheism, secularism, and evolutionism tracking the way they are, I affirm my article, "Evolution and the New Atheo-Fascism". Atheo-fascists do not want free speech, they want us silenced. Bullying, ridicule and misrepresentation were common propaganda tactics during fascist rule. While misotheists claim to care about science, they prefer to protect their religion from scrutiny and exposure. Note how they congratulate each other on churlish behavior, and all creation evidence must be attacked by the brown shirts. Sieg Heil, mein Liebling! They try to shout us down until we go away.
People also believe in things because of celebrity influence. Evolutionists and atheists work the celebrity angle quite frequently. (Shamefully, so do Christians to some extent.) Hume, Dawkins, Nietzsche (I doubt that they've really read him, he didn't cotton to Darwin's views), even elevating failed scientist Nye to atheistic pope status. Atheopaths claim that they are the clever ones because they analyze things, and Christians are mindless sheep. This shows they are not logical thinkers, because they use prejudicial conjecture, sweeping generalizations, and other fallacies in that ego-boosting claim. Again, such behavior is used to poison the well against Christians and creationists.
Bill Nye the Scientism Guy (who does not know what he's talking about regarding climate change) was called a fascist, and I don't think that's far off the mark. He wants to control education so that it promotes naturalistic evolution only, despite what the majority of Americans desire. Nye also wants climate change "deniers" put in jail. He's influential as a celebrity and poster boy for secularism and materialism, but not influential as a scientist. He never was a scientist, but he uses his status to promote leftist political causes.
Watch for the atheopaths who are self-appointed experts in all sciences, including psychology. It is common to see a Christian point out a failing in logic, science, morality, or whatever, and have it deflected with, "You are using projection". If you study on it a spell, projection is often a characteristic of narcissism, and many atheists (especially keyboard warriors on the web) fit the bill for narcissistic sociopaths. Sure looks like the ones accusing people of projection are really the ones doing the projection. Same thing with those accusing others of being fascists, when evolutionary atheists are being fascistic themselves. Yippie ky yay, secularists!
Materialism, leftism, and fascism are on the increase in society. God the Creator as revealed in his written Word is despised and rejected. Those of us who have the impudence to show that atheism is irrational, stand for the truth of Scripture, tell the world that science actually supports biblical creation and the Genesis Flood, must be silenced according to their rule book. They don't know that the final victory belongs to God.