Taqiyya, Mohammedans, and Facebook "Standards"

Taqiyya gives Muslims license to deceive unbelievers.

Not everyone knows this, but Mohammedans are permitted to lie to unbelievers to gain our trust and then defeat us. It's called "Taqiyya". I reckon that this falls under the heading of "the end justifies the means". One instance of this on Facebook was done by a Page called "Western Terrorism Watch". The name implies that they are one of several Pages that report Islamic terrorism. Instead, they are loaded with hatred for the Israel, the United States, Canada and the Western world in general.

They came to my attention when they reacted to the article, "Evolutionary Thinking and ISIS Atrocities" when it was posted on The Question Evolution Project:
A pro-terrorist Page on Facebook complained when an article against terrorism was posted.
Posted under "Fair Use" terms for educational purposes. Besides, it was in my e-mail.

Ironic to be called hypocritical by hypocrites. Their Page has only nine "Likes" at this writing, but their hate-speech posts and remarks are deplorable, and loaded with straw man arguments, false generalizations, and more. More of "the end justifies the means", ISIS is a murderous terrorist group that is capable of burning people alive, such as this Jordanian pilot. This bunch of pit vipers are not content to kill infidels, but will also kill other Mohammedans, such as these in a Yemen mosque.

If post something that is offensive to the Gaystapo, militant atheists, leftists, other groups, your post will get pulled down and you'll get slapped around by Fazebook. But if you report hate speech against Christians, Conservatives, traditional family advocates, creationists, and so forth, you're shooting craps and the dice are loaded against you:
Atheist Zuckerberg and his leftist crew do nothing against many forms of hate speech, but approve of anti-Christian, anti-Conservative, anti-creationist, anti-Semitic hate speech.
Image courtesy of Why?Outreach

I tried to report the terrorism lovers to Facebook. You can guess what happened:
Facebook "standards" in action. That is, hate speech against Christians, Americans, Canadians, the Western world, Israel and others is acceptable.

When you have a social media site that is run by leftists and atheist Zuckerberg, don't be surprised when you get waved aside. And Fazebook shouldn't be surprised when something else comes along that has consistent standards and FB becomes as relevant tomorrow as MySpace is today. If I didn't have to be on there to reach people, I wouldn't be there at all.


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