Why Can't Atheists Find God?

— Cowboy Bob Sorensen 

The simple answer to the question of why atheists cannot find God is that they really do not want to find him. However, that raises several other questions and issues.

Many times, atheists claim to have rejected belief in God because of reason (as if theists somehow were automatically irrational because of their beliefs, which is a logical fallacy right there, and many atheists frequently demonstrate a grasp of basic logic). If they had used some of the logic they claim to like, they would be confronted with some problems that they cannot escape. Atheists cannot account for logic itself, and they are unable to answer the question of existence. Although some think that evolution solves some problems and helps them become intellectually fulfilled, evolution is a failure. Materialists have attempted to scientifically locate a place for free will and the soul in the brain, and they try but fail to account for morality through evolution. The truth is that atheism is irrational and incoherent, and does not deal with the big issues of human existence. Only biblical Christianity can do that.

"Prove to me God exists!"


The Bible makes it clear that people have the evidence that they need (Romans 1.18-22). In fact, it seems like common sense to say, "Just look around". But many atheists want scientific evidence for the existence of God. It is a logical fallacy to want material proof for God, who is spirit and outside the limitations of time and space. Everyone knows that God exists, but want to justify their rebellion against God. If you want to really rebel, rebel against your father, the one who controls the establishment (John 8.44, 2 Corinthians 4.4).

"But if God should prove to me that he exists with a miracle!"

Haven't you been paying attention? You already have the evidence you need... Let me show you something else. Atheists have been asked, "If I gave you the kind of proof that you want, would you serve God?", and the answers have often been, "No". Also, what makes you so special? God has explained himself (John 1.14, 2 Peter 1.16-19). You have no business demanding anything from the Creator of the universe, and he doesn't have to jump through hoops to please anyone. He doesn't even have to have anything to do with sinful humanity (Romans 3.23, Romans 6.23), as we are all sinners and deserve Hell (Matthew 25.41, Luke 16.23-24, Matthew 13.42, Revelation 20.13-15). We don't have to go there. God made provision for us through Jesus Christ (John 1.12, John 5.24, 2 Corinthians 5.17, Galatians 3.26, 1 John 3.2, Revelation 21.3-4).

Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to discuss things and give evidence. But I am not going to "prove that God exists" and contradict God's Word.

Just suppose, for the sake of discussion, that God decided that you were going to get a special privilege and see a miracle. Would you believe? There were disciples of Jesus who had seen him after he had risen, yet some still doubted (Matthew 28.17). Miracles are not a guarantee that someone will believe. Belief in God is not a matter of intellect or evidence. For every evidence presented, there is an equal and opposite rescuing device; people keep trying to justify their unbelief. No, it is a matter of the spirit, not proof or evidence. Why do you think atheists and evolutionists hate biblical creationists so much? We speak the truth without compromise.

Although the Bible contains numerous examples of miraculous events leading to faith and repentance in the lives of people, it is clear from biblical history that miracles are not always a reliable cure for a hardened unbelief.

The topic of proving God’s existence has been discussed and analyzed many times. In 1985 a popular debate on this subject was held between Reformed theologian Greg Bahnsen and atheist Gordon Stein. Stein was asked what would “constitute adequate evidence for God's existence?” He answered, “If that podium suddenly rose into the air five feet, stayed there for a minute and then dropped right down again, I would say that is evidence of a supernatural because it would violate everything we knew about the laws of physics and chemistry.” What if an even greater miracle happened? Would you believe in God if He showed up at your door?
You can read the rest by clicking on "Proving God’s Existence — Would You Believe If He Showed Up at Your Door?"

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