A Bit of Payback to Atheists

First, a reminder of why atheists are the least-liked and least-respected group. Protest this, protest that, expect the majority to bow to their whims...
One Virginia courthouse is taking the debate over Christmas displays on public property to the next level with a controversial “crucified Santa” set-up.
Julie Grandfield, assistant to the Loudon County Administrator, explained to The Christian Post that the individual responsible for the display went through the system. “Board of Supervisors currently has a policy in place to allow displays on the courthouse lawn,” said Grandfield. “There are only 9 display sites that are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. The applicants choose the 3 week period they want to have their display shown.” Grandfield also said that among the displays approved, there would be two nativity scenes that will be put up “later in the month.”
She declined to comment on whether or not the display was tasteful, saying that it “is a matter of subjective opinion.”
Read the rest of "'Crucified Santa' on Display at Va. County Courthouse" here, and continue below for more fun.

Next on the docket, a bit of creative payback. Atheist groups conveniently forget (and frequently try to rewrite) American history, that we were founded on Christian principles. So, having a cross on a water tower is "an endorsement of religion"? Oh, spare me!
Mayor James Bellar was planning to cave to atheists’ demands and have the religious symbol moved to private land. Bellar, who defended its presence, claimed that the town could not afford to pay for an expensive legal battle with Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) — the “freethinking” group seeking its removal. Thus, moving it to a nearby highway seemed like the best possible solution. 
In its new location, Bellar said it would be seen by an even larger audience. But rather than make good on this plan, the mayor decided to voice his protest to the atheists’ demands.
Find out how the mayor made his voice known loud and clear, read about the controversial water tower cross here, and then see the final installment below.

Every once in a while, we hear or read rumors about atheists wanting "In God We Trust" removed as the national motto of the United States. Sometimes, they even try. But that notion was soundly trounced as Congress reaffirmed "In God We Trust" as the national motto by a vote of 396 to 9. Naturally, B. Hussein Obama chose to mock the vote because they did not vote on his political grandstanding.
Approved 396-9, the resolution affirms “In God We Trust” and encourages its display in all public buildings, public schools and other government institutions - even though the motto wasn’t facing any legislative threats and was reaffirmed by the Senate five years ago. 
While opponents of the measure said it was unnecessary, lead sponsor J. Randy Forbes, Virginia Republican, said he was concerned about how the motto was being treated by the courts, legislators and President Obama. 
“I realize there are some who don’t see a difference between what we’re doing from naming a post office or commending some athletic team,” Mr. Forbes said. “But I happen to believe when Thomas Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence that our rights came from God, that he didn’t think it was irrelevant or not important.”
Read the rest of "House vote reaffirms ‘In God We Trust’" here.


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