Land of Imagery

Buona sera. Tough call today. Do I discuss the effects of entropy on unstable radioactive isotopes, and then move on to point out that the Second Law of Thermodynamics applies to both open and closed systems — or do I show another picture from Farmville?

Yeah, let's do the fun stuff.

I don't have a photo editor available at this computer, so I'll just give you some verbal discussions. This thing is full of symbolism. Perhaps people will be tempted to find some where it does not exist (there's a Cat Corral next to the villa on the left), but some things are placed for fun, or for convenience. You'll need to click on it for larger image, using your right-click and "Open in New Tab" or "Open in New Window". No, Norman. Right click. Your other right...

First, the big image: A cross. At the bottom is a gate in the hedge, and the gate is open. That means there is room for you at the foot of the cross. Near the center of the crop stuff is a lighthouse. Next to that is a sign, and my Farmville neighbors can see it, referring to Matt. 5.16 ESV: "Let your light shine before others". Near the lighthouse is the farmer character, which I call "Mini Me". He starts out there every time I go to Farmville, so he's not a part of the symbolism. Not on purpose, anyway. By one arm of the cross is a well (John 4.14). There are sheep near the cross (John 10.14-16). One of the sheep is "educated", and has a sign referring to Proverbs 1.7. Above the right arm is a fig tree, the subject of several references. At the upper left of the cross is a lamp post. Not a direct Biblical reference, but some people "get it". (Hint: "Is he safe?" Write if you really want to know.)

Outside the fence is a grove of olive trees, symbolizing Gethsemane. The ponds and things have nothing to do with symbolism. At the center of the bottom, partially obscured by the greened-out box is a schoolhouse. There's a sign next to that that says something like, "We home school. Welcome to Jesus Freak Church of Farmville".

I had big plans, wanting to put the cross in the center and do other stuff on the sides, but Mini Me would be on the cross, and that would look too tacky. So everything was thrown off. Still, I made my point. And I have some ideas to make it interesting for Resurrection Sunday...


I'm glad you picked the picture to talk about!

Having a 'duh moment'- do tell what the lamp post means!!!

Because of the significance of the figs in the OT, I planted 2 last year in my mini-orchard!

The School- remember: "the king took the head of the Jesus Freak"!
And what do you call the students?
Little freaks? Freaktians?
Bob Sorensen said…
Don't curse the figs. They're sensitive.

Here's another clue about the lamppost: "Is he a man?", asked Lucy.

"Aslan, a man?", said Mr.Beaver sternly. "Certainly not. I tell you, He is the King of the wood and the son of the Great Emperor Beyond the Sea. Don't you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion - The lion. The Great Lion."

"Ooh", said Susan. "I'd thought he was a man. Is he...quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion!"

"That you will deary and no mistake", said Mrs.Beaver. "If there's anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they're either braver than most or else just silly."

"Then he isn't safe?", said Lucy.

"Safe?", said Mr.Beaver. "Don't you hear what Mrs.Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? Course he isn't safe.....but he's good. He's the King I tell you."
RKBentley said…
Nice work on the farm.

I had tried something like that once. I put sheep and goats in two, adjacent pens with a sign saying, “And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:”

I also had a small section set aside with 4 plots. One I kept planted with wheat. Another I kept fallow. The other two I kept withered. I had 4 signs referencing the parable of the sower (seed snatched away, seed in stony ground that withers, seed in thorny ground that chokes, and seed in fertile ground).

I eventually had to abandon it all. Farmville changed the way people read messages so the signs no longer matched the area I posted them. Also, people kept “unwithering” my crops. It just wasn't working like I'd planned.

Yours looks pretty good.

God bless!!

Let's see, from the lamp post to... is Narnia.

It stays lit, day and night.

It was made from an iron bar the White Witch threw at Aslan. (You gonna throw a rod to keep out the A's?) But the rod grew and became a lamp.. the middle of the snowy forest...

Walking in the Light?
Safety in the Light?
New Life in the Light?
Lighting the path?
Bob Sorensen said…
Thanks RK. Sometimes I get fed up and want to stop Farmville completely because it seems to dictate a bit too much of how you play. This creative urge was something I could do, so I took advantage of it to some extent.

Glad you like it.
Bob Sorensen said…
Actually, Rhomphaia, you're bringing up some things that I do not remember reading. I was just going with the simple image, Lamppost signifies Narnia. I was glad to get that piece from Farmville, there's only so much that you can do.
To be honest...I didn't either! :-)
I went digging on the net!

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