Why I Cannot Trust Atheists Part 1
Buon giorno. Let me start with an excuse. It's only been about six weeks since I have actively come back to my Christian faith, and I am still lacking in the "Christian love" department.
But I do know about truth. And I'm not in the mood to coddle anybody, so put on your "I'm all gwowed up" pants and brace yourselves.
I have learned quite a bit over the past few weeks about the modern breed of atheists. My regular readers know that I've been around for quite a while. During those years, I've encountered atheists. One guy in 1974 (I was 14) was railing in school that "all Christians should be burned at the stake!" I never did find out what brought that on. Other than him, most of the atheists have been civil, "live and let live" types who may or may not want to discuss their beliefs. For that matter, some people call themselves atheists simply because they haven't given serious thought about God and the truth of Jesus.
Now we have the "new atheists". Saying that they are "aggressive" is an understatement. You'll notice that the "comments" section of my Weblogs has been shut down because of cowardly Internet atheist trolls.
(Sigh) I suppose I have to do this every time: I am speaking in generalities, and I know that there are atheists who are calm, intelligent and rational. They would like to discuss the subjects. I know you're out there. I implore you, please think about what the Bible says and ask God to speak to your heart and show you that he's real. You may not have tomorrow, capice?
Mind you, this Weblog has been, and I intend it to remain, a multi-purpose thing. It's not all about you, it's about what I want to put on the screen to inform and entertain. And I'm going to move on to other things because these atheists are boring and predictable. That's the first reality I'm presenting that you have to deal with.
OK, now I'm going to proceed with my thoughts and observations.
"Yeah, do it, Loser! You Xtians are all big dumb stupidheads! Yer just gonna look stoopid again"
Thank you for bringing me to my first point: Although they claim to love logic, they ignore it. There are numerous logical fallacies I've seen and experienced with them, but I don't want to take the time to cover them all. Addendum: Look for the "Logic Lessons" links on this site.
These atheists are full of hate and rage. Want an intelligent conversation? When it comes to the majority, fuggedaboudit. I cannot reprint the hate mail I have received on my comments, nor the hateful diatribes that have been sent to me and to other Christians in forums because they are obscene, illogical and full of profanities. Again, they often ignore the subject at hand, or take it to laughable extremes.
Atheists of today are cowards. It's easy to say things online that you wouldn't have the guts to say to someone in person. Add to it that they are using fake names, "unpublished" profiles at Blogger.com, very few will give even an e-mail address, and you get the idea. I have given many links for further resources if someone really wants to get more information, but those have received very, very few clicks. Hey, why not call the CARM radio show and debate Matt live on the air? He's waiting for you, but you have to call during Mountain Time. Click here for more information if you're not just talk and no action.
By the way, why do you troll Christians most of all? Perhaps, deep inside, you know that we have the truth? You're following the will of your father (John 8.44). I don't see atheists giving a hard time to New Agers, followers of astrology, UFO enthusiasts, Buddhists (atheists would have a field day on the doctrines of karma and reincarnation) and so forth. Obviously, you're terrified of picking on Muslims and Satanists (although atheists would fit in with LaVey Satanism, which promotes self above all else); Jews and real Christians don't perform ritual killings or murder thousands of innocent people, so maybe that's another reason we're your targets. Huh, seems that I can think of atheists that have murdered millions of people. I'll hit you with that again later.
Hateful atheists are unbalanced. I'm going to make an exception and give an edited version of one of my love letters: "Hey there pig f**ker. I know you won't let this post through, but I want you to read it. Because I want you to know that I'm not gonna let up on you. You can run from blog to blog, but every time you post, I'll find you and call you out on your hypocritical bulls**t. So start running tough guy."
Here's another one, but edited more: "I see you're already blocking comments on your posts. That' okay. I'll just copy your nonsense and paste it on another site. [Joke's on them, I'm skipping most of their comments.] This is gonna be fun. I'll hand you your false convert ass every day, until you can't take it anymore. But don't go blowing anyone up on my account. Actually you're like the gay parent on the South Park "High School Musical" episode. The one who threatened to slap everyone. Hmmmm... Are you a self-loathing gay as well?"
Yeah, I'm shaking, Bubbles.
Internet atheists are full of pride and arrogance. They claim to be "bright", "free thinkers", "enlightened" and so on, plus have astonishingly arrogant forums like, "We are so freakin' smart because we disbelieve". Tell me, O Wise Ones, how does choosing to disbelieve make you so clever? If you were truly clever, you wouldn't be trolling and trying to destroy the faith of believers. Also, if you were truly intelligent, you would consider evidence and arguments that Christians present, or visit Websites of apologetics, instead of squirming and dodging.
Atheists do not admit that they, too, have faith. In their case, most of that faith is in evolutionism despite contrary evidence, and the huge lack of evidence. After all, Papa Darwin's theory is a convenient excuse to account for the existence of an astonishingly complex universe. Also, they insist that "there is no God", an act of faith itself. If you call them on this one, there is tremendous wailing and gnashing of teeth.
OK, gang, this is enough for one day. (Ha! "One day". This was days in the planning and writing.) Part 2 can be found here.
But I do know about truth. And I'm not in the mood to coddle anybody, so put on your "I'm all gwowed up" pants and brace yourselves.
I have learned quite a bit over the past few weeks about the modern breed of atheists. My regular readers know that I've been around for quite a while. During those years, I've encountered atheists. One guy in 1974 (I was 14) was railing in school that "all Christians should be burned at the stake!" I never did find out what brought that on. Other than him, most of the atheists have been civil, "live and let live" types who may or may not want to discuss their beliefs. For that matter, some people call themselves atheists simply because they haven't given serious thought about God and the truth of Jesus.
Now we have the "new atheists". Saying that they are "aggressive" is an understatement. You'll notice that the "comments" section of my Weblogs has been shut down because of cowardly Internet atheist trolls.
(Sigh) I suppose I have to do this every time: I am speaking in generalities, and I know that there are atheists who are calm, intelligent and rational. They would like to discuss the subjects. I know you're out there. I implore you, please think about what the Bible says and ask God to speak to your heart and show you that he's real. You may not have tomorrow, capice?
Mind you, this Weblog has been, and I intend it to remain, a multi-purpose thing. It's not all about you, it's about what I want to put on the screen to inform and entertain. And I'm going to move on to other things because these atheists are boring and predictable. That's the first reality I'm presenting that you have to deal with.
OK, now I'm going to proceed with my thoughts and observations.
"Yeah, do it, Loser! You Xtians are all big dumb stupidheads! Yer just gonna look stoopid again"
Thank you for bringing me to my first point: Although they claim to love logic, they ignore it. There are numerous logical fallacies I've seen and experienced with them, but I don't want to take the time to cover them all. Addendum: Look for the "Logic Lessons" links on this site.
- Instead of discussions, they resort to ad hominem attacks. I have had personal attacks here, my Western Values Weblog and in other areas. Instead of sticking to the point, they attack me. I suspect that they have two goals: First, to simply be vicious (sick minds get their kicks that way). Second, to try to neutralize me by making others hate me, or to make me clam up and go away. Bad idea. Won't happen.
- Using the "so are you" fallacy, tu quoque. Here's a news flash: Christians do not have a monopoly on being hypocrites. When their own hypocrisy is pointed out, they go bananas. Denial, deflection, ignoring and whatever else it takes is activated to dodge the issue.
- They commonly use something similar to "false dilemma", the "either/or" fallacy. I am uncertain if I have the correct example or if I should have found a more accurate name for this, but I have been confronted with stupid questions that I have ignored. Since I did not respond to their childish "I want an answer now" demand, it was assumed that my silence was an admission of guilt, or error. No, my silence is an admission of not wanting to waste my time, Buttercup.
- Appeal to ridicule. "You believe in magic", or, "It makes as much sense as believing in the flying spaghetti monster", or, "The Bible is just a bunch of fairy tales". The first one is absurd, nobody is saying anything about magic except you, the second is a clear example of this fallacy, the third is an insult based on extreme ignorance.
- Poisoning the well. The ad hominem attacks are used to say that Christians are stupid, ignorant, liars, hypocrites, etc. That is just a lame excuse to avoid issues. "He's a Christian, and they're all wrong, etc.", or, "This one is a false Christian, a liar and a hypocrite", to negate what is being said, is just another way to dodge the issue.
- Declaring something makes it true. "Religion is fairy tales. Despite this obvious truth..."
- I have seen some wild stuff, and they even combine fallacies. Aside from being full of venom, they will combine the straw man fallacy with sweeping generalizations (like my earlier example, "You xtians are all...") and wind up babbling into incoherence.
- Smokescreens, dodging the question, sweeping generalizations, appealing to popularity and more are easily found.
These atheists are full of hate and rage. Want an intelligent conversation? When it comes to the majority, fuggedaboudit. I cannot reprint the hate mail I have received on my comments, nor the hateful diatribes that have been sent to me and to other Christians in forums because they are obscene, illogical and full of profanities. Again, they often ignore the subject at hand, or take it to laughable extremes.
Atheists of today are cowards. It's easy to say things online that you wouldn't have the guts to say to someone in person. Add to it that they are using fake names, "unpublished" profiles at Blogger.com, very few will give even an e-mail address, and you get the idea. I have given many links for further resources if someone really wants to get more information, but those have received very, very few clicks. Hey, why not call the CARM radio show and debate Matt live on the air? He's waiting for you, but you have to call during Mountain Time. Click here for more information if you're not just talk and no action.
By the way, why do you troll Christians most of all? Perhaps, deep inside, you know that we have the truth? You're following the will of your father (John 8.44). I don't see atheists giving a hard time to New Agers, followers of astrology, UFO enthusiasts, Buddhists (atheists would have a field day on the doctrines of karma and reincarnation) and so forth. Obviously, you're terrified of picking on Muslims and Satanists (although atheists would fit in with LaVey Satanism, which promotes self above all else); Jews and real Christians don't perform ritual killings or murder thousands of innocent people, so maybe that's another reason we're your targets. Huh, seems that I can think of atheists that have murdered millions of people. I'll hit you with that again later.
Hateful atheists are unbalanced. I'm going to make an exception and give an edited version of one of my love letters: "Hey there pig f**ker. I know you won't let this post through, but I want you to read it. Because I want you to know that I'm not gonna let up on you. You can run from blog to blog, but every time you post, I'll find you and call you out on your hypocritical bulls**t. So start running tough guy."
Here's another one, but edited more: "I see you're already blocking comments on your posts. That' okay. I'll just copy your nonsense and paste it on another site. [Joke's on them, I'm skipping most of their comments.] This is gonna be fun. I'll hand you your false convert ass every day, until you can't take it anymore. But don't go blowing anyone up on my account. Actually you're like the gay parent on the South Park "High School Musical" episode. The one who threatened to slap everyone. Hmmmm... Are you a self-loathing gay as well?"
Yeah, I'm shaking, Bubbles.
- These cowards throw stones at a distance, but have nothing of substance to offer. This makes me wonder, though, how useful they are in real life. One cafone listed a hobby as "messing with Christians", or something similar. Wow, that's fulfilling. Someone so hateful, so spiteful, that they have to "follow you around" cannot be playing with a full deck. Well, maybe a full deck of jokers.
- I read book reviews at Amazon about evidence for Intelligent Design. Atheists slam the book as being ridiculous, they presume to be smarter than the author (even if he is a qualified molecular biologist), etc. Attack, attack, attack. But they look like petty fools.
- Also, I saw some comments about Christian rock bands: "There's no such thing as God, you're all idiots", and similar.
- There was a forum in which I used to participate, and the militant atheists would start complaining that there were "too many Christians in here, wish they'd get their own forum". Replies included, "I just slap them down when they get out of line". I shot this one with his own gun, saying that if he felt that way, why not go to an atheist-only forum? As expected, the excrement struck the bladed cooling device.
- Somehow, they simply think it's cool to ridicule our beliefs. What else do you ridicule? They take their Unhelpful Pills before going online, yes?
Atheists do not admit that they, too, have faith. In their case, most of that faith is in evolutionism despite contrary evidence, and the huge lack of evidence. After all, Papa Darwin's theory is a convenient excuse to account for the existence of an astonishingly complex universe. Also, they insist that "there is no God", an act of faith itself. If you call them on this one, there is tremendous wailing and gnashing of teeth.
OK, gang, this is enough for one day. (Ha! "One day". This was days in the planning and writing.) Part 2 can be found here.