Rating Hotels

Buona sera. Nothing to thunder about this time, just some speculation.

I had some things to deal with in Michigan, so I left Lela and Nicky in charge of operations in my absence. (I'm not blaming them for the CD/DVD on my primary computer not being able to "recognize" CDs, but still play DVDs. Any advice out there? And the external hard drive quit right after I got back, so my collection of hot cowgirls is gone. No more Western Digital products for me!) Things are running well, so my confidence in them was well-founded again.

You've seen those commercials saying, "We know why you fly" for one of the airlines. Cute, but unrealistic. It would be nice, though. And it would be nice that hotels and motels knew why we used their services as well. The main thing that most of us expect is a dark, quiet, safe place to sleep. Other things come secondary. But the reasons we end up at a sleeping establishment are as varied as there are individuals to have those reasons, capice?

The hotel people have no way of knowing what's going on in people's lives. They hope and expect that we travel for a good time, to meet friends (and my goomahs), have a holiday, whatever.

In my case, it was a mix. First of all, we were there because I came to bury my oldest brother. It took about fifteen hours to drive to Michigan, so we're dog tired. And stressed. After the ceremony, there was more family time, some recreation, some catching up with old friends.

Again, the hotel people can hope for people to be doing well when they arrive, but they really don't know why people travel. So what are they supposed to do? They perform their duties to make the stay as pleasant as possible.

I used an online service to book this Best Western hotel. The reviews were confusing, because the service did not rate them very highly, but "real people" did rate them highly. My opinion is that they performed their expected duties very well, and there were some extras that I did not expect.

Perhaps the people that review hotels that are not "real people", but are professional critics are expecting too much. No, there were no mints on the pillows or other amenities that some people may be expecting from hotels that charge in excess of $200 a night. (For that price, I almost expect some, uh, "extra" services from the hotel's hotties.)

In my years of travel, I've had some very unpleasant surprises at hotels and motels. So when I get what I'm expecting, and more, I'm very happy about it. (And I'm not just saying this because this hotel has some babes working there.) The staff performed their jobs well, even the woman that had to keep the breakfast service running each morning. Sure, I could be ultra-picky and find things to complain about, but I have had those bad experiences elsewhere to put things in perspective. And people could find things to complain about with the extremely expensive luxury hotels.

My advice to you is to be happy when you get the service you're expecting, and be very happy when the service is more than you expect. I know I was, and I'll go back to this Best Western. Remember, I'm a cowboy at heart, and cowboys love westerns. Ha! I made a funny. The truth is, I did not choose it for the novelty of the name, but because of what the online service said I could expect. Also, Best Western has a good reputation. And you know how I am about reputations!


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