Will You Listen to Yourself?

Buon Giorno, Class. Yours truly is a bit bothered about something. I don't like the way people beat themselves up. (Now, some people do need a beating, but I know people that will take care of that.) I'm talking about "put-downs", "badmouthing", "talking smack" (do people really say that one?). I'm not saying that everyone is a freaking bit of sliced sunshine in the midst of darkness, but there's no reason to tear down what you do have.

One popular expression that I hear is, "Stupid me!" Dreadful. I'm all for admitting when you screwed up; I admit it before other people can point it out to me whenever possible. How about saying, "I messed up", or even, "Oops" instead?

There's a difference between the event and the person. "I am stupid" is much different than "I did something stupid". For one thing, you're making an excuse. You're saying, in a way, "Don't expect much of me because I can't understand things. Here comes the 'Tard Wagon, I have to go lick windows now." But when you say that you fouled something up, then fine, you admit to the event or situation. You're not limiting yourself, and you're not demeaning yourself in someone else's eyes.

But I believe that the greater problem is the human mind. It can be powerful when used properly. Treat it right. That includes what you say about yourself. It was pointed out to me that YOU are the first person that you will believe. Your subconscious is paying attention and recording things, and if you keep putting yourself down, guess what? You're going to live down to what you've conditioned yourself to believe. Do you follow this, Cupcake? If not, read it over a few times, it's important. I don't like it when good people hurt themselves, and that's what happens.

OK, short class today. Time for recess.


Whenever I want a good laugh- I know right where to come!

Tard wagon!

But your post reminds me of a verse:

Prov 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..

So, I'm gonna think "I'm the Fairest of them all!" The mirror is still lying.
Bob Sorensen said…
While I strongly object to people tearing themselves down, I suspect that saying things to build yourself up that you do not believe will also have a negative effect.

By the way, I was behind a "short bus" transporting "developmentally disabled" people. The kind of vehicle was "Club Wagon". Hence, "'Tard Wagon".

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