
Kim Davis, Homosexual "Marriage", and Religious Freedom

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since the US Supreme Court legalized homosexual "marriage" (no one can actually redefine marriage because God is the one who defined it ), religious persecution has been on the rise , as was predicted by Franklin Graham and others; say that homosexuality is a sin and not something to be celebrated , risk getting in trouble. The court has been wrong in the past (abortion, the Dred Scott decision , and others), and is wrong now. Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, refused to issue marriage licenses that would violate her religious convictions . She went to jail , which was a violation of both the United States Constitution and the Kentucky Constitution . Indeed, the tinhorn activist judge who sent her to jail also required reeducation of students who opposed homosexuality . Naturally, the Gaystapo, unintelligent atheists , and other leftists are thrilled with all this, not caring about the implications that state and federal laws are being v

Does Free Speech Apply to Employers and Social Media?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Most of us know that employers in The Big Company monitor someone's social media activities. As is often the case, when someone expresses a personal view that is not politically correct, they can be screened out and barred from employment, and people have even lost their jobs for expressing themselves on social media . I disremember when I read this, but someone said that it was good and right for The Big Company to monitor someone's activities. Really? We may cry "censorship" or "freedom of speech", but those do not apply so much here. That is, try to fight it in court on "free speech" grounds, and you'll probably lose. Your speech is regulated while on the company clock, vocal or written, and what you write can be monitored even though it's on your own time, on your own media accounts. There are companies that don't really care what the typical employee does in his or her spare time  as long as they

Evolution and Other False Salvation Efforts

At first, I didn't have any ideas for something to write for the 8th anniversary of Stormbringer's Thunder. A spam comment at The Question Evolution Project , some podcasts that I heard while working, and ideas came through my mind like stampeding cattle spooked by lightning. —Cowboy Bob Sorensen Have you ever watched the TV show Restaurant Impossible? Chef Robert Irvine revamps failing restaurants and gives the owners new hope for success. He often has to not only deal with bad management (and frequently, bad food), but attempts to fix relationships as well. Many of the restaurants succeed, but there are quite a few that still fail or get sold . When I watch the show, I get to pondering on how the agreements and plans are akin to New Year's resolutions. The root problem still remains. People get involved in "12 Steps" recovery programs that have a pretense at Christianity, but actually give a false gospel . We have bad feelings, so a shrink gives us medicat