
Evolution and the "Separation of Church and State"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Actually, the title of this post is slightly inaccurate. It's actually more like "Evolutionary thinking and the so-called 'wall of separation between church and state'". A story I like to tell is that I was in a discussion with someone on this: Me: The constitution says that the church shall be separated from the state, and the school from the church. He: Right. Me: That's the Soviet constitution. He: Wait... There's your problem, Hoss. People in this country have been beaten over the the head with the separation thing so often that they actually believe it's in the United States Constitution. It's not. It was in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Baptists in Danbury, Connecticut. They were worried that they'd lose their freedom of religion, and Jefferson reassured them that they have nothing to fear about the government establishing a particular denomination. Nowadays, secularist sidewinders will use &q

Putin on the Ritz

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen 3дравствуйте товарищ! In a recent episode of The Briefing, Albert Mohler expressed thoughts about how many Republicans are fond of Vladimir Putin (Владимир Путин), president of the Russian Federation. In the spirit of "Me, too!", I wanted to give some of my thoughts, things that Dr. Mohler and others have probably discussed already, but with my distinctly less intellectual approach. So I may as well continue Russian into this. Vladimir Putin image credit: People can respect and even admire political, religious, and other opponents without giving up their own principles. Dr. Mohler discussed the "strong man" aspect of Putin, and I can see why this appeals to some people. I'm old enough to remember being fearful about some degree of nuclear war with the Soviet Union. The Soviet KGB (and to some extent, the GRU) were the subjects of books, essays, movies, television, and the like, so we were frequently reminded of th

Vaccinations, "Big Pharma", and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For several months, I've been chomping at the bit to get this article written. There is an addendum belo w the video. Is it just my imagination, or has there been a marked increase in anti-vaccination material? (Perhaps they get worked up by anti-vax celebrities and politicians like Donald Trump , Jim Carrey , Jenny McCarthy , Bill Maher , and others.) There are many conspiracy theories linked to vaccinations, and there is a range of intensity, including "governments use vaccines to control the population". This troubles me. No, it actually gets me angry. (There are people who will take any innocuous comment and say that the writer is angry, but in this case, I'm telling you right out of the gate how I feel. I've even "unfriended" people for spreading the stuff.) This will not be a detailed pro-vaccine apologetic, since too many people have their minds made up from emotional appeals and terrible reasoning, but I want to make so

Deplorable Things Fifteen Years After the September 11 Attacks

People have remembered significant national and global events many years after they happened. I've heard and read where people remember the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated, the 1941 attacks on Pearl Harbor, and other things many years later. Memorial of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, image credit: Pixabay / brandnewday I was working in the back of the Big Chain Company Store (now semi-defunct) with the shipping and receiving manager, getting merchandise ready for shipping. (I had lived in New York for just over a year.) One guy came back there and began telling us about the plane crashes, and I didn't believe him because he often told jokes that were in poor taste. After he convinced the manager and me, I went to the computer and saw that he was right. When the Internet went down, I became even more alarmed. What's going on? Millions of people were wondering this, but we knew that America was being attacked. The rest of the day was a daze for me. I liste

My Brother the Mother

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen My brother the mother...sounds like a bad television show like My Mother the Car .  Unlike one of the worst television shows of all time, a bearded self-identifying "man" giving birth  is not fantasy fiction, and is unlikely to last for just a short spell.  Images from Clker clipart A woman gives birth, should be the end of the matter. Taking hormone injections, identifying as a man, selfishly wanting to do the birthing experience, having a female "partner", artificial insemination — this gender fluidity and free-for-all sexual perversion is sinful as well as mental illness, and  people like this are the real science deniers . That child is going to be very, very, messed up. For more about this, listen to or read the transcript from Albert Mohler, " My brother the mom? Time preaches the moral revolution ". I identify myself as a cowboy . So what if I couldn't lasso a calf to save my life? I declare it, it's my r

The Androids of Washington

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In 1978, the  Doctor Who  series had an episode called " The Androids of Tara ", which was a tribute of sorts to The Prisoner of Zenda.  One of my favorites, and I believe Tom Baker did substantial script editing. There's a whole heap of intrigue, identity swapping — and obtaining The Doctor's help to repair an android that will fill in for the ailing prince who will become king. Apparently, the planet has a passel of androids. There have been numerous concerns raised about Hillary Clinton's health , and if she'd be physically fit to be the American President. (Intellectually, morally, spiritually, no she's not fit, but sheeple want her, and I believe this country is under God's judgement, so we may very well get her.) Shrillary is reported to talk to the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt (no, Eleanor isn't doing any talking, that's a far different spirit Clinton's talking to), but the Democrats try to dress this stor

No Worth to Atheists

This was originally published in June, 2013. I think. For some reason, I unpublished it ("revert to draft"), but it did not keep the original date. Much of it is the way it appeared then, but there are some funky things happening with text size and spacing, but I think I settled them down. The second paragraph was added in August 2016. Also, the file size of the image is much larger than I prefer to use (284 kb). Not only does hate make people stupid, but the anger in atheism is related to mental issues . I've said these things for years, and keep getting more evidence. Although I shouldn't give those who crave attention that they desire to bolster their egos, Haywire the Stalker has been making a fool of himself for years with defamation and blatant untruths. In a recent rant about my stupidity, dishonesty, and denying what he considers "facts" in his incoherent worldview, (h e focuses mainly on my introductions to linked articles and splits hairs to m