
Atheism, Libel, Cowardice and (ir) RationalWiki

Most of the Internet atheists that I have encountered are big and bold about being "rational". But they are not content to believe that they are smarter than us st00pid dumb Xtians. No, they need to troll and attack people. (I fully believe that many do this because they are simply childish bullies attempting to bolster their egos.) For example, this gem appeared at " The Question Evolution Project ": This was a simple-minded attack, incorporating Bunches-o-Fallacies® and emotionalism, but no rational thought. They like to offer opinions based on titles, introductions and summaries, but usually ignore entire articles and supporting links. I have said before that I can see no valid reason for demonizing Christians (and especially creationists ). Such immature behavior not only helps illustrate the natural failings of the religion of atheism , but increases the negative public perception of atheists . Indeed, these irrational and emotion-driven atheists make

Atheism, Satanism and Dawkins

It is not an easy religion to adopt in a society ruled so long by Puritan ethics. There is no false altruism or mandatory love-thy-neighbor concept in this religion. Satanism is a blatantly selfish, brutal philosophy. It is based on the belief that human beings are inherently selfish, violent creatures, that life is a Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest, that only the strong survive and the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win the ceaseless competition that exists in all jungles - including those of urbanized society. Abhor this brutal outlook if you will; it is based, as it has been for centuries, on real conditions that exist in the world we inhabit rather than the mystical lands of milk and honey depicted in the Christian Bible. — Burton H Wolfe, Second Introduction to The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey A Satanist practices the motto, "If a man smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other!" Let no wrong go unredressed. Satanism

Atheism, the Bible and Subjective Morality

One of the most simplistic and annoying tricks that atheists pull is their unwillingness to answer questions about knowledge and morality. When pressed, they resort to dodging the question, throwing the question back in the face of the one asking, denying what they said, use logical fallacies, accuse others of fallacies and more ( this MP3 is a good example ). I believe the reason for such behavior is simple: They know that God's ultimate standard is true, but do not want to face it. However, their subjective morality is fundamentally flawed and will self-destruct. Attempting to blame God and make him the bad guy by quote mining the Bible is a massive fail. So is attempting to place your own arbitrary, subjective morality on God . When the atheist is pinned down on the absurdity of subjective morality and has nowhere left to turn, often he'll attempt to point the finger right back at supposed problems with Biblical morality. But there are numerous overarching logical

Short Lesson in Atheist Hypocrisy

Atheopaths have a hard time thinking rationally, and yet they claim to be the intellectual elite simply because they reject evidence for God. Then, they attack Christians with pathetic accusations. These accusations describe atheists, not Christians. But we're not into letting them manipulate us, and try to restrict our speech — and our thoughts — from those who claim to be "tolerant". Here's a classic example. If we point out that most of the greatest mass murderers in history were atheists (I'm not counting Hitler, some people say he was an atheist, but he was an occultist), then they say that the murderers' atheism had nothing to do with their actions, or that they did not do things "in the name of atheism". So what? They still had no consistent moral standard. Then they complain about what Christians think and believe, because we might do something rotten in the name of God (never mind the galactic ignorance of biblical teachings on the part o

Atheists, Aliens and Science

stock.xchng/nion I'm going to redirect you to a mult-faceted post. The first part is about the "ownership" of science. Many atheists strut around as if they invented the thing, and that to be a scientist, you have to be an atheist. Dead wrong, Robert! Does science belong to Christians and Theists? We (not me, of course, I wasn't born yet) invented the whole modern disciplines of science. Whether genetics or physics or electrical theory or classification of organisms or chemistry or you name it... You could assert that the ancient Greeks like Archimedes were the first scientists and there is some support for that. However, the axiomatic way of viewing the world proved to be a hindrance to science. Keep in mind that science was always simply a part of the overall concept of philosophy and was not considered separately back in the ancient world. How does that grab ya? But wait, if you act now, you'll get absolutely free, a bonus post about space aliens!

The Other Place

Since my priorities are at Piltdown Superman and The Question Evolution Project , I haven't been motivated to post here very often. After deleting quite a few articles and posts, I am using this for occasional use, but primarily as an archive. Especially for the stuff that tells how atheists really are. You might like to see this article about a problem that evolutionists have .

Shining the Light on Space Aliens

NASA image, slightly modified Since haters are gonna hate no matter what some of us do, I may as well give the mentally challenged atheopaths another gem: I believe that UFOs exist. There is no way that so many people for so many years have been faking video footage, lying, hallucinating or been simply mistaken. Do I believe that they are beings from outer space? Not anymore. I used to, though. People would tell me that since the Bible does not say that there are extraterrestrials, they must not exist. Their arguments were superficial, mainly a fallacious argument from silence, and I used my own bad argument, that the Bible does not tell us that they do not exist , so they might exist after all. Silly, I know. In addition, I had a weird notion based on wishful thinking and bad theology that Jesus went to other planets to offer salvation, like in the Ray Bradbury story, " The Man ". Do I believe that governments are covering up contact with extraterrestrials, or wha

Video: Atheist and Evolutionist Morality — Fundamentally Flawed

Atheists and evolutionists are not only confused by their irrational worldviews, but they are also cunning. One of their tricks is to first deceive themselves, and then deceive others, about the definitions of words. The disingenuous redefinition of atheism to mean "lack of belief" is laughable to any thinking person. The Evo Sith will sneak a change in definition of the word "evolution". These word games are some of the tools used to attack Christians and creationists. These tricks and attacks are partly the result of realizing that they cannot defeat the biblical creationist worldview with reason and science. We are right, they know it, and they hate it. But hiding from the truth and redefining words will not change the end result. For anyone reading this and watching the video below, it's not too late. It might be too late in an hour, though.

Three Objects of Ridicule

Some people who want to be considered "intellectual" and say that they live by "reason" love to ridicule the Bible. They are wrong. Three of the main objects of derision are the Genesis flood, Jonah and the great fish, and the resurrection of Jesus. Did you know that these three historical events have something in common? And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4) . And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land (Jonah 2:10) . He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay (Matthew 28:6) . These three verses of Scripture speak of three great events of history, widely separated from each other in time, but each involving a mighty miracle. Each testifies of God’s creative power, as well as His judgment on sin and His grace in salvation. The accounts tell of three remarkable specially prepared—yet temporary—

"What I have written, I have written"

Pilate also had a sign lettered and put on the cross. The inscription was: JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS. Many of the Jews read this sign, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. So the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Don’t write, ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that He said, ‘I am the King of the Jews.’ ” Pilate replied, “What I have written, I have written.” — John 19:19-22 , HCSB All four Gospel accounts mention the sign on the cross. All four accounts differ a little bit. This seems puzzling when approached on a superficial level. In reality, it is not a difficulty at all. Why do all four Gospels contain different versions? Does this indicate error? By no means. Both Luke and John tell us that the inscription on the Cross of Jesus was written in three languages, Greek, Latin and Hebrew. It is therefore a reasonable assumption that three of the Gospel writers each chose to quote a dif