
Video: The Magic of Evolution

To be a consistent atheist, you cannot follow where the evidence leads. At least, not if you see that the evidence shows evolution is not science and that there is a Creator. No, even though the Creator is the rational conclusion, emotion and blind hate keep the irrational atheist from getting there. Instead, they have to believe in some magical things that defy reason. Things that lead them to the magical fairyland of evolution, and seething, bitter hatred for Bible believers and for  Question Evolution Day, February 12 . Edit: For those who claim that evolution is not concerned with the origin of life, and that such a thing is not even taught, that is the opposite of the truth. Here is one example .

Very Short Atheism Video: A Fairy Tale

To be an atheist, you must believe in the impossible and discard reason. The atheist wordview is incoherent and irrational. They have no real foundation for morality except for what is expedient for them at the moment, al l they while saying they're "Good without God" . Perhaps that is why so many are angry, obstreperous, vituperative and just plain bitter. Perhaps that is why they hate Question Evolution Day . Perhaps that is why they hate Chr istians, because our worldview contains the necessary preconditions of hu man experience — ours makes sense.

Atheist "Logic" and "Morality" at (ir) RationalWiki

Some atheopaths are amazed that I am not impressed by their dazzling intellects. After all, they bill themselves as the intellectual elite, as if merely declaring themselves to be atheists magically gives them superior minds. Then they subject us to pooling of ignorance sites like (empty) and (ir) RationalWiki. Do not want. Especially the latter. It is a den of foolish excuses to disbelieve in God and hate the Bible, with lots and lots of libel and defamation. They are liars without standards. "Good without God"? oh, please! If they actually were rational and had standards instead of letting any loser write any libelous nonsense, they might actually be worthy of respect. Ain't happening, Zeke. Go have another drink. Here is an example. They libeled the PPSIMMONS ministry, showing themselves to be uninformed fools, as this video illustrates: If I was an atheist, I'd be embarrassed by the badly misnamed "RationalWiki". We're not

Video: DNA and Information

stock.xchng/schulergd  We're getting closer to " Question Evolution Day ", and this video raises some serious questions. Evolutionists hate the fact that DNA is highly-coded, complex information.  And rather a lot, really. Worse for them, this information is purposeful and directed. Efficiently. It is exchanged  within a cell. This means there was a Designer.

More Support for "Question Evolution Day", February 12!

Creationist filmmaker Ian Juby has excellent material. His videos are extremely popular . It's no wonder, with his personality and great humor, I don't see how people can dislike him. Disagree? Of course they do. Atheopaths love to hate creationist material, and creationists, and Christians, just for the sake of hating. But I digress. Helpful hint for misotheists: Click for larger Ian was kind enough to give " Question Evolution Day " a mention. Nice that it fit into what he was doing, eh? Here is the part of the video that I liked the most (edited, and lower quality so it fits): Here is the real thing in all it's creation science-affirming splendor:

Atheism Video: "Zeitgeist - Exposing the Lie"

Atheists are appalling at doing their homework. A typical example is when someone sent me a "Tweet" on Twitter insisting that Jesus never existed, and that Christianity is a rehash of older mythologies. Intellectual lightweights like this get their false information from other intellectual lightweights in pooling of ignorance sites. These are where other misotheists dig up excuses to attack God, Christianity, the Bible, Christians themselves and so forth. Perhaps they think that if they act like they have real knowledge, Christians will collapse and give up their faith in God under the power of the mighty atheist (who is lying). If they had bothered to do actual research instead of relying on people who use the profound academic principle called "Making Stuff Up", they wouldn't be humiliating themselves. In addition to sharing bad information with like-minded fools, they love to watch videos. After all, if it's in a video and it ag

Yet Another ATM Scam

Sometimes, I feel that I'm remiss if I don't occasionally remind people to never give out personal information! Most of my readers are not only tasteful, but highly intelligent. (Then there are the atheopaths — go ahead and take advantage of the special offer in the next paragraph.) Ignore any e-mail that wants personal information or a "click here", especially if the requested information was (a) in your spam folder, (b) not from anyone you know, (c) sounds too good to be true. Still, a reminder now and then helps, yes? morgueFile/mconnors Aside from the bad grammar from someone who does not speaks good engrish, the scam looks a bit more convincing than others. By the way, f or the atheopaths who are upset that they missed out on my Wingless Chicken Bones franchise offers, take a break from your ongoing pointless mission to demonize people . Here's another great deal for you!  Please pay attention, the font and color changes are to offset my wording