
Manipulating Opinions in the Name of Science

Leftists celebrate and Conservatives warn against the increase in politically correct activism, especially when it infringes on personal freedoms. We read how "surveys show", but how accurate are they, really? Questions are often loaded, and the questions that are asked (as well as the people selected to participate in surveys) are frequently neglected during reporting. We should know that there are sidewinders who will selectively cite and manipulate data, but it seems that many people simply take "reporting" as unbiased and factual. Not hardly! Generated at Add Letters There are surveys and research results for many purposes, including "evidence" for evolution that conveniently leaves out pertinent data , and more. Ask your friends how many people they think are of the homosexual persuasion. Some think it's about half of the population, when the actual figure in the United States is closer to five percent or less ! The inflated number percept...

Why Become an Atheist?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The Bible says you're a fool if you claim that God does not exist (Psalm 53:1 ESV). (And none of that nonsensical redefinition of atheist to "someone who lacks belief", that's not the established definition , old son. I lack belief in a universe without God.) God isn't just being insulting, but let's face it, you may be brilliant in comparison to other people, but in comparison to God , you're nothing. More than that, the word translated "fool", נָבָל, is not just lacking intelligence, but someone of low character that mocks God.  Hold on there, Pilgrim! Don't get the bit in your teeth and think it's all right to go wild by calling every atheist you meet a fool. See the first part of the verse? Although it applies to those who deny God's existence, there are Christian fools as well ! That's right. Christians profess to know God, but some think that they can get away with sin and defy him; they a...

Cain's Wife, Biblical Incest, and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since the Bible is not being taught very well in too many churches, one of the questions that stymies some people is, "Where did Cain get his wife in Genesis 4:16:17? After all, we only know about Cain and Abel". It's a fair question. However, atheopaths will often use this in a weird, self-refuting way that ends with, "therefore, evolution". They claim that there is no God and the Bible is false, but they selectively cite passages as if they were true  to allow God to exist so they can hate him, such as in this image . The chronology of some of the early Hebrew writings is less linear than our 21st century minds prefer. In Genesis 5:3-4, it said that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters.  As to when  they had them, we're not told. Ultimately, its indicates that the sons and daughters married each other. After all, God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28). Incest was expected back then. Centuries ago ...

Go to the Source

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For Question Evolution Day , I reckoned I'd point out a major bit of weirdness that anti-creation tinhorns saddle up and ride. I've seen many logical fallacies that they use, and try to not only watch my own reasoning, but encourage Christians and creationists to learn about fallacies as well. This is to keep us from getting intimidated by bullies, but also to be more accurate in our own presentations and discussion. Many fallacies can be grouped together in the "red herring" category. That is, they're distractions. The ad hominem is the staple of atheists, saying things like, "You're stupid for believing in God and creation". Maybe I'm stupid, and my mother dressed me funny, too, but what does that have to do with the article's content? Another is the "straw man", where people put words in your mouth or otherwise misrepresent your position. "Hasty generalizations" are popular among atheis...

Establishing Evolutionary Religion in America

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Many parts of the world are becoming increasingly secularized (which may have  contributed to the recent terrorist attacks ), and the United States has also been riding that same trail. The rights of Christians are coming under increasing attack by atheistic owlhoots , and secular humanism is steadily becoming established as the state religion. Know what God says about people who deny him? See Psalm 14:1. Secular humanism is a religion by their own admission , philosophically , and by court rulings . While many atheists such as Clinton Richard Dawkins are calling this a " major victory ", some dishonest atheists are still trying to change reality and deny that humanism is a religion . They accept the religion of evolutionism as foundational (but deny that evolutionism is a religious): " Humans are an integral part of nature, the result of unguided evolutionary change. Humanists recognize nature as self-existing. " Atheists  like Mi...

Being Offended, Tolerance, and Fazebook Absurdity

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen At The Question Evolution Project , one of the Admins posted a picture that went a bit viral . (Ironic, I didn't make it, and it's not the topic of the Page.) The caption was about how people in 2015 were offended at everything, and it would be great if people grew up in 2016. Many people commented with strong agreement, but some were unclear on the concept. Some were on the prod along the lines of, "You want us to be quiet about injustices and just get walked on". Oh, please. Many of us don't cotton to having people claim to be "offended" at the drop of a hat, expecting everyone else to change their ways, speech, and thinking to coddle their egos. Some of us are offended at things and just move on, not demanding " safe places " or special legislation. A lot of this is found in an entitlement mentality, people assuming they have certain "rights" because they want to follow their own desires. Demanding poli...

Definition Obfuscation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For several years, I've been emphasizing how identifying logical fallacies can not only sharpen our own presentations, but help us spot deception coming from certain people. While I focus on evolution, creation science, and theology, it's easy to see how sneaky wording is used in other areas, especially those that are politically orient ed . It seems to be increasingly important t o have people to define their terms, and to nail down an understanding for a discussion, debate, or reporting. That is because there is a great deal of deliberate confusion going on, especially regarding connotations of loaded words. One of my favorite examples is "fundamentalist". That word is often used as a pejorative because of the connotations of a dour legalist , and the definitions are flexible; Calvinists, Lutherans, me, others can be considered fundamentalists because we believe in the fundamentals of the faith (we ll, duh) . Many of us don't cott...