Send It to the Kindle

Buon giorno. A while back, I gave an overview of some of the products available to enhance your Kindle experience 1. Now I am going to revisit "SENDtoREADER". At least, the areas that I have explored.

From here, I will refer to it as S2R because it sounds officially spiffy as well as being easier to type. They do not know that I am writing this article, so there are no extra grotzits in my bank account for my efforts, capice? 

And I apologize in advance, this article will have more graphics than usual. Hopefully, keeping them small (click for larger) will not slow down your browser too much.

S2R has free and paid levels. I am using the free level. The paid level lets me get involved with features that I do not need yet, but I suggest that people check out all the options because these people have given us something that has many diverse functions.
Installed S2R has a right-click option. This is from my creation science Weblog.
The most obvious point is that you can have a bookmarklet (or "favlet") on your browser for S2R. Go to an article you like such as this one, click on the Java script bookmarklet and in a few minutes, Amazon has it packaged and ready to download.

You can also install S2R in some browsers to give you right-click capabilities. Register for your free account, add it to your Amazon "Approved Personal Document E-mail List", then you can click to send various Web articles to your Kindle. When it arrives via WiFi (Amazon's "Whispernet"), you will see a tag line at the very end of the article advertising S2R as well as giving a link to the source document.

New groovy feature: Highlight text on the page, click the S2R bookmarklet and just that text gets sent to your Kindle. They point out that one advantage to this is that a password-protected page may not let you actually send the full page to your Kindle. There are other advantages that I am certain that you can discover.

Using your S2R account has some other fun things. It keeps track of what you have sent. (I also like how you can subscribe to an RSS feed in your mail client. This gives you another chance to directly download your items as well as providing a link to the source document.) You can delete things you have sent if you no longer want them, and you can share them. What I found interesting was the editing capabilities.

And this is where the graphics hit this article (again, click for larger).

This screen shot is where I clicked on the drop-down next to the hand icon on "Sparrow Finch Baramin". "Edit in Composer" intrigued me:

This is what came up when I clicked on the edit in composer link. I added something near the top of the text, but you can do all sorts of editing.

The "Import" function adds material to the end of the article. I put a blank red box where I expected the text to go, but that did not happen. That can be easily overcome by simply cutting the imported text from the bottom and pasting it wherever you want.

Here is where I did an import:

I changed the title and sent it to the Kindle again (the new one is marked in read, original in blue):

Here is a nice bonus, you can go to "compose" and write your own note and send it to the Kindle. One thing that occurred to me is when the bookmarklet will not function (such as IT lockdown at the workplace), you could copy something and paste it here, then send it to yourself:

Although I have yet to find a "send to" service that is perfect (some simply cannot render certain pages adequately, but that's the breaks, capice?), "SENDtoREADER" has quite a bit going for it. Oh, and before I forget, I am not getting payment or compensation for this recommendation.

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