The Religion of Atheism
In many practical aspects, atheism is a religion.
"How can you say that, Cowboy Bob? Atheism is a lack of belief in gods".
Yeah, sure. That's the cop-out redefinition, not the real definition. Except not all atheists got the memo, and some are confused.
As I was saying, in many practical aspects, atheism is a religion. It is a philosophy of life and conduct, and has many of the trappings of organized religion. Although atheists will tell you that they believe in "reason", they actually have a religion that is based on faith. A lot of it. I can't go there, Girlfriend.
In the United States, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that atheism is a religion
- The US Supreme Court ruled that atheism is a religion.
- Secular Humanism (a masque for atheism), received comments from the US Supreme Court that it is a religion (one of these groups wanted tax-exempt status as a religion)
- Atheists adore their religious leaders like Richard "Daffy" Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris,
Robespierreand others - They seek their own special pleadings in court to restrict the rights and beliefs of the majority (even back to the days of Madalyn Murray O'Hair getting prayer removed from schools; ironically, her son directs a Christian organization)
- The dreadful philosophical writings of the aforementioned misotheist authors are freely quoted in lieu of actual thought, and seem revered as atheistic scriptures
- Forums and other Internet gathering places are like anti-Christian fellowship arenas, fraught with self-congratulations on being non-thinkers and praising each other for trolling Christians
- Enthusiastic atheistic thugs pa-TROLL the Internet, seeking to destroy the faith of Christians (which I suspect is an effort of ego-bolstering)
- Since these kinds of Internet atheists are unskilled in logic, they attempt to destroy the writings of believers with ad hominem attacks, quote mining, selective citing, ridicule, intense mockery, red herrings, non sequiturs and other distractions (see my series on "Logic Lessons" linked in the right-hand column)
- They hate God through a double standard: "How can you hate something that doesn't exist?" (a silly statement based on the Fallacy of Assertion), and yet, God conveniently exists when they want to use the Straw Man fallacies that they create based on their misunderstandings of reason, philosophy and the Bible
- Demanding their own military chaplains
- The "Freedom from Religion Foundation" was ruled a religion by the US Department of Justice, and Annie Laurie Gaylor is a minister
- Do a search for atheist bumper stickers, calendars, coffee mugs, clothing and other paraphernalia and see how antagonistic the fundamentalist acolytes of atheism have become these days
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Can't help it, I like this picture. Very appropriate. |
Yes, atheism is a kind of religious cult. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, thinks like a duck... Capice?
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Not only is this obnoxious and arrogant, atheism is not the fastest growing religion in the world. |
OK, my observations are now concluded. It's time for even better stuff:
Atheism is the belief that there is no god. According to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
“Atheism is the position that affirms the non-existence of God. It proposes positive belief rather than mere suspension of disbelief.”Buddhism is atheistic in the sense of denying that there is any overarching deity such as the Creator-God of the Bible. Atheism in the western sense excludes Buddhism, and adherents claim that it is not a religion. One Atheist said:
“Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour”However, atheists make such claims so Atheism can avoid legal imperatives placed on religions in many countries, and can avoid some of the ideological hang-ups people have about “religion”. It also creates a false dichotomy between science (which they claim must be naturalistic and secular) and religion.
Atheism will be defined in the contemporary western sense: not just the lack of belief in a god, but the assertion about the non-existence of any gods, spirits, or divine or supernatural beings. Atheists in this sense are metaphysical naturalists, and as will be shown, they DO follow a religion.
You can read the rest of "Atheism: A Religion" here.