
I Have a Question

Buona sera.  Before I ask my question, I need to give some background information. My regular readers know that I am very annoying to certain people because I am not only an unashamed follower of Jesus, but I am also a Biblical creationist for our origins (evolution is untrue, evidence points to God of the Bible). Naturally, I have some vituperative atheist stalkers. One in particular has a phone-in podcast where they malign Christians. He and his cronies have attempted to have me call their "show" through various means: Appeal to pride Appeal to cause (ie, "Don't make Jesus cry by refusing") Repetitive attempts at bullying Attempts at humiliation Ridicule Libel The one that is probably their ringleader has consistently shown himself incapable of understanding basic logic;  insists that I call "The Atheist Experience" because he called Matt Slick at CARM (I do not see much point in debates, and do not seek debates); is unnaturally

How Evolutionists Handle Facts They Dislike

No sound for the first fourteen seconds or so.

Video - 15 Questions for Evolutionists


Is This Fascism?

Buona sera. I implied that the way certain fundie atheist evolutionists are acting is akin to fascism because they would rather indoctrinate than educate. Well, someone actively spells it out. And he links to his previous article. Both are worth reading. Here's my teaser: Secular humanists, atheists and evolution enforcement groups [posing as "science advocacy groups"] have given up scientific debate. Instead they’ve resorted to a more fascist approach: mockery and legal suppression of alternative theories or dissent from Darwin in any form. Now they want even more, and what they want would make Galileo turn over in his grave. A few days ago, I wrote an article called Evolution Is the Only Scientific Theory That Needs Laws To Protect It, in which I drew attention to efforts by the British Humanist Association and a handful of evolutionist, including misotheist Richard Dawkins, regarding science education in UK schools. In essence they want microbes-to-man evol

Atheist Evolutionist Fundamentalism in England

"Those behind the call for ‘evolution not creationism’ say teaching that God created the world is dangerous and must be prevented by law." "For I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cannot be adduced, often apparently leading to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I have arrived. A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question ; and this cannot possibly be here done." — Charles Darwin, Origin of Species Buona sera. I'll keep on saying it: Since modern atheists do not bother with boring stuff like logic and critical thinking, and evolutionists cannot bear to have the flaws in their "theory" exposed, they seek to silence the opposition. Emotionalism, personal attacks and ridicule, provocation — and by legislation, when possible. Intellectual honesty, and scientific inquiry, will be willing to examine contrary evide

Abortion, Evolution and Conscience

Buon giorno. This post is to redirect you to some material I wrote on my other Weblogs. Over at "Piltdown Superman", I have some material showing how an evolutionary mindset contributes to all sorts of evils in society — including abortion. You can read "Evolution and Abortion" here . For the relevance of the issue of abortion for Christians, I compiled something I called "Abortion and Conscience" here . I hope you will take the time to read them.

Freedom-Fighting Secularists In Action!

Be inspired! We can't have any of that nasty old Bible stuff displayed in a business. And we certainly  cannot allow people to show respect when someone prays, no siree! Here are a couple of stories about brave heroes making certain that "religion" is kept in its place. (Why it's the Christian "religion" that is kept in its place but Islam runs rampant...I dunno.) The first in Lancashire, UK: Police have threatened a Christian cafe owner with arrest –for displaying passages from the Bible on a TV screen. Jamie Murray was warned by two police officers to stop playing DVDs of the New Testament in his cafe following a complaint from a customer that it was inciting hatred against homosexuals.  Mr Murray, 31, was left shocked after he was questioned for nearly an hour by the officers, who arrived unannounced at the premises. Let's applaud the secularists for interfering with someone daring to stand up for his beliefs! Read the rest of " Police Tell Caf